Friday, May 31, 2019

The Smooth

Our enemies aka collectivists, come in many packages.  And there are levels even a pecking order such as useful idiots, true believers, string pullers and those behind the scenes in the shadows.

Sometimes they take an interest in some of us.  There are the prominent, such as the banned of fb.  Anyone who speaks out against tyranny is fair game or unfair as it were.  There are those who make a blip on the screen.  It is invariably in opposition to the fallen.  Though, it might be something only 'they' understand or in association with others.

In the realm of espionage, there are those who are obvious.  There are indeed those who blend in.  There are those who are slick.  And there are those who are smooth.

Each person has a role and one may serve the other. 

It goes beyond east and west certainly.  And it goes even past globalist and nationalist.  It boils down to content of character.

The outre, the spiritual gets involved.  In such  a 'business', which is often invisible, the oldest war of all hides in plain sight.

My aim is to simply point out certain 'actors' in this drama.  If you are awake/aware, you should already have an inkling of the types involved.

If one is savvy, one can perceive the personality types who serve, shall we say, interests in this world.  The smooth are the convinced.

They are dutiful in their surveillance.  There is a static atmosphere around them.  They may merely watch or some might foment some kind of incident.  But they most certainly are not serving the Light.

There is a static air about them.  Oh, they move, talk and interact, but they are always aloof, as though they are above it all.  Pride?  Who do they serve?

If they don't serve the Light, well I'll leave it to you all to figure it out.

They instill a quiet fear, even paranoia and if they succeed, they compromise the certainty and sanity of others.

You might remember I've mentioned angels and spirits of Light.  And the same who are physically present.  The darkness has its counterparts.

The smooth are hard to put your finger on.  You may perceive them, however if confronted, they deny and might even infer you're nuts for explicitly exposing them.  Cat and mouse is the best way to explain this.

They appear soft and seamless, yet they are hard and dedicated. 

The 'trick', as it were, is not to be flummoxed by them.

Be resolute, watch your back and speak and live the truth of Liberty.

I guarantee that will flummox them.

Thursday, May 30, 2019


It's the name of Deaf Smith's horse in the miniseries Texas Rising.   Can't find a ref to the real life Deaf but it might be accurate.  Sometimes details are dealt with accurately.  Some are placed for dramatic effect and some fictionalized to 'make the story move'.

Deaf was one of the Founders of Texas, active in the Revolution and after until his death.  He fought in the Texian Army then formed a Ranger Company.

They say he was patriotic and resolute, a man of few words.  He was a loving family man and chivalrous to a fault.  And yes, he was hearing impaired.

There are many tales of cowboys and their horses.  Loyalty, trust, love was and is shared with equine friends.  Before this, American Indian, Mongols, knights and many more experienced similar relationships.  And quite a lot of horsemen and women today share this bond.

Charmaine carried Deaf from the Alamo to Gonzalez to his home.  She was with him in battle as well.  They patrolled in the Ranger Company.  It's hard to explain that closeness, but the cowboy and the horse helped and lived for each other.

There is a scene in Texas Rising where Charmaine takes Deaf into the Battle of San Jacinto.  Deaf suffered from what appeared to be TB.

Overcome from the exertion of fighting, mixed with the dust and gunsmoke, Deaf weakened and partially collapsed.  He held onto Charmaine by reins and saddlehorn as she dragged him far enough away and he collapsed.

A while later, Deaf came to, still weak.  He spied Charmaine, patiently waiting nearby.  He whistled and she came to him.

Deaf praised her and sadly found a vicious leg wound.  This was a death sentence for a horse.  He cried and made her to lie down next to him.

Deaf sobbed and talked to Charmaine, thanking her for being such a good friend.  He cradled her head and reached for his saddlebag, producing a pistol.

Choking on his words, Deaf said he was so sorry.  He asked Charmaine to wait for him and he shot her, ending her suffering.

Later on he indeed died of his tuberculosis.

I can imagine Charmaine standing tall and Deaf mounting her, riding into the sun.

I cried watching and thought myself of the love and sacrifice we make for Freedom.

Just a vignette, a moment which pieces into the mosaic of our lives.

I wish Love Devotion and Liberty to us all.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Worse is better or the worse the better is attributed to Lenin in relation to the Bolshevik revolution and part of the blueprint for the collectivist worldwide revolution.

The idea is, as conditions grow worse, the workers, peasants etc will flock to communism.  Also, the state of flux/chaos maintains the power base for the leaders.  Very unegalitarian.

The masses are fueled with dire circumstances which the leaders promise will get better soon as their immediate goal is reached.  Then new crises and privations ensue and the leaders profit.  They may throw a few crumbs to the socalled proletariat but anyone who questions gets crushed.  Collectivism is seasoned with fear.  Of course, they are disarmed as seen all through history and they keep trying here.  Our Constitution and Bill of Rights are great hated stumbling blocks to them.

Currently, the collectivist attempts to destroy our Republic are a mixed bag.  Where socalled blue cities prevail, collectivist policies rot to the core.  The more failure the better to borrow Vlad's motto.  And they intend to make all the US in the diseased commie matrix.  Btw, when the colors for demo/repubs were established, red was the color for the demos.  It was quickly switched.  Too close to home lol.

All the negative things happening have done a number on US.  Yet we prevail, but only because we are willing to fight on all levels.  The attacks are multi level/purposed.  And we must not just respond we must be proactive.

Study the enemy, at least purpose and tactics, then counter them.  Set brushfires of Freedom in the minds of men and women.  Be relentless facing them and enduring proclaiming Liberty.

They say darkest before dawn or that a fever gets worse before it's better.  Well, sure, to a degree.  We can clean them out.  Truth is the disinfectant.

Let's shove the truth up Lenin's posterior.

Our Restoration of the Republic and thirst for Freedom is their downfall.

Better for US is worse for them.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019


Events unfold.  The Earth turns.  The sun rises and sets and rises.  The family goes its own way.

It's natural for kids to venture out on their own.  And the empty nest is only so physically.  Mentally and spiritually, home is full of memories.  Yet, we don't live in the past.  We springboard into what awaits us and what we do with the future.

Children are NOT pieces of us.  They are sovereign individuals who come from other sovereign individuals, tied together with blood perhaps, but mostly with love, caring responsibility.  Ask anyone loved enough to be adopted.

At a point, save for occasional advice perhaps, kids are on their own.  That's as it should be.  Thus, parents are on their own too.  Each has the ability to explore, to determine what they want to do with the rest of their lives.

I don't regret a minute of raising the kids.  Well, the diapers weren't fun but you roll up your sleeves and get the job done.  Nothing is completely smooth and straight.  There are a lot of bumps and curves and grades.  We got through it.

Now the 4 of us are flying solo.  Each has goals and we are working on them.

Yet love binds.

Kind of the family kernel of E Pluribus Unum.