Monday, December 4, 2023


 Time of the year when people get presagery  Mystical seasons and light and dark.  Time for resolutions.  

We don't wander with glowing faces and staffs.  It's more day to day.

Take it all in perspective.  It's not so spectacular as it is practical.  Events work their way through life and psychic/spirit are quite natural.  

The trick is not to get bamboozled.

Plan ahead and have a, b, c etc.  

See what fits and control oneself..

I foresee Freedom, Justice, Victory.

Sunday, December 3, 2023


 Loss can be relative.  

Losing almost an entire book collection is sad.  But nothing compared to losing a wife as well as a dog and house in a fire.

Struggling and nearly starving in a remote village transcends much loss.

However, the accumulated knowledge of a book collection can be compensated.  Memory plays a significant role.

The secrets of the ancients are within.  This includes socalled secrets and all else gained by humankind.  

One can formulate recall and systematically bring to mind that consigned to mind.  

It's a task but we are up to it.

Loss galvanizes.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Gratis Is Great

 There is a bunch of folks who are writing books concerning aliens, old civilizations, dimensional portals etc.  Theories abound for reasons relating to monuments and age.  

I have no objection to people making a buck.  Anything engaging free thought is welcome.

Personally, I've researched much of the same and share conclusions openly.  I have no need for profit.

I've studied most of the esoteric long before many were grown.  It is both personal and shared with those who use knowledge as function.  

Some secrets remain secret, for general welfare. and in the realm of ancient war.  It's far from ego and certainly when shared, it fosters freedom of thought and action.  

There are those alternative parties who are as cliqueish as mainstream.

Control is fierce  And those who try to control, fear our gifts.

I will contribute to distribute facts quietly and freely.

Make a buck if you must but be cognizant of being a keeper of the flame.

Friday, December 1, 2023

Distraction Or Instruction

 Making fiction factual or fact fictional.  

As said, getting a point across is better done using the above.  

Research yourself.  Verify by one's own standards.  Socalled official accounts might be like the above or lead one astray.  

Be careful how and who you confide.  People come and go.

Vet.  There are personalities more obvious than others.  2 or 3 dimensional thinking.

Analyze what happens to you etal..  Nothing beats experience.