Monday, November 28, 2022


 Why would someone acquire a copy of Playboy 2/63?

It's not just the 1st issue he bought.  That is a moment lol.  

It is history, social and psychological.  A great deal of culture lies within.  Let's see where people were at and gauge commerce with the ads.  Those prices!

Looking at the past, we prepare for the future.

And believe me, it goes way beyond a particular magazine.

Where was he at then and where now?  Perspective.

Loosen the past like a fulcrum to roll into the now/future.  

And yes, he always looked at the pics first.  Then he read -s-.

Friday, November 25, 2022


 I twisted my knee a little while back.  I was just getting in and out of a car.  It's a perfect example of a 'freak' accident.  

I've done it before.  I have addressed the pain and whatever is injured, both with and without a doctor.  I am not prone to mishaps, but, like many, I have had my share of accidents.

As for the knee, I assessed the damage and pain management taught me how and where to move.  It's pretty good now.

People have endured far worse pain.  I've had some close encounters, but my level of suffering is way less than many.  As for psychological pain, perhaps I've experienced more.

Battling the fallen and by extrapolation events in the world takes immense energy.  The forces of darkness are insidious, far reaching and intense.  Do not fear.  Trust in God/Light.  From that Source comes endless energy/healing.

Some take pain better than others.  There are different levels.  So, don't be afraid to ask for help among others.  God often works through people.  

Persist.  Work through loss of limb, child, things etc/usw.  

I don't have all the answers.  I just know cakewalks are few.  

In the midst, pain pushes us through.

Refuse to give up.  Refuse to give in.

Self defense is in the mix.  

Refuse to stop.

Follow through.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022


 Is it who you know?

Most of us meet people every day, both ftof and on pc.  Now, how that influences us varies.  Just passing, clerks, workers etal and the circumstances involved with all relationships are factors.  

What I'm particularly interested in are all the 'I know or met' certain people of influence, let's say.  That can be important, socially and personally.

People like Bob Wise and Pat McGoohan are examples for my life and work.  Reminds me that name dropping can be both good and bad.  Guilt by association perhaps.  Or enlightenment.  Also, the difference between coat tailing and networking.  

Personally, the folks I've met have been remarkable.  Some are well known.  Others hardly anyone will remember.  All lived.  

Kids I knew in school, friend and foe, neighborhood store owners, neighbors, salespeople, repairmen, mechanics, teachers, janitors.

Then kids/families in our parish outreach area.  Round that time paradoxically, I had a job in a liquor store, while studying for the ministry.  A lot of neighborhood denizens fluttered round there.

My assistant was perhaps another paradox.  He was what they called at the time a wino.  But I couldn't have a better helper.  He was never drunk nor did he steal.  We chit chatted and got along well.  He was an artist and regaled me with stories of his WW2 Army service in Germany.  He also drew some of the regular girls and his animals were great.

Many socalled 'night people' came round.  I invited some to church and some came.

I could write a book about that alone.  Maybe I will and include other encounters.

So many.  Socalled famous and not.  But each memorable.  Mostly good.  Only a few bad.  Many lessons learned.

It boils down to content of character.  That's the main thing.

I'm thankful for them all.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022


 This day, one wanders and wonders.  There is moire than meets the eye.  Remember what has happened as a result.  But where were we?

Particular events  stoke our memories.  12/7/41, 6/6/44, 9/11/01 and so on.  Both good and bad, we may have been alive and somewhere.  Everything from birthdays to attacks reside within and around us.  

Today is 11/22.

In 1963, a young man sat in his 8th Grade Social Studies class.  It was a Friday and the weekend promised relief.  And it was a movie day to boot.  No notes.  Just sit and watch the show.  I think it was a break for the teacher too.  

During the film, he noticed the Principal slipped in and talked to the teacher.  His expression was grim as he whispered something to her.  She burst into tears.  He patted her arm and left.

She immediately stopped the film, turned on the lights and came to the front of the class.

''Class, the President has been shot.''  She then dismissed the kids to their homerooms.

In the hall, it was mostly stunned silence, a lot for Jr High students.  The boys were grim and many of the girls were teary.

Not much else was known at the time.  They prayed and hoped he would be ok. 

The homeroom teacher read 'Sail On Oh Ship Of State'.  Good advice.     We were to hang on and stay the course.

We quietly went home by usual means.  Quietly.

He remembered walking the 3 blocks home.  No other kids.  Alone with his thoughts and a hunger to understand.  

The teachers then were top notch.  Patriotic, God fearing folk who encouraged kids' potential.  And they unofficially were for kids to settle things among themselves.  Yet there was guidance.  And they listened.

The weekend was a veil of grief, punctuated with the assassination of the supposed killer.

He knew there was more and started him on a lifelong quest for truth.  It is just beginning 60 years later.

We must not fall for the con.  We must expose perfidy.