Friday, July 30, 2021

Control Redux.

Talked about it before and can't talk about it enough.  It is the crux of our enemies.  Yet, control can be both bad and good.

Controlling due to lack of self is a keystone for collectivists.  It began before when the fallen became so swollen with pride they forgot the Source.  

OTOH self control is paramount for individuals.  We mustn't go off half cocked.  There is a time and place for all behavior connected to Freedom.  Witness the Founders' course of action.  We must balance head and heart.  

Rule of Law in a Constitutional Republic vs rule of men in a democracy/dictatorship.  History hosts our thoughts.  

Thinking implies internalization.  One learns about oneself.  And it plays out among others.  

If people control due to lack of self, they don't have to think.  They don't examine themselves and project their illness on those they seek to control.  

Responsibility is the crux of conscience for Liberty lovers. 

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