Sunday, November 28, 2021

Laundry Line

 For Mom, laundry day was Monday and ironing day was Tuesday.  She grew up poor and insisted on doingit herself.

Eventually she splurged on a laundry service.

I still remember the clean odor of washing and the warm smell of fresh ironed clothes.  

My eclectic mind re washing and ironing got me to thinking of two sisters.  One was 20 years older than the other, from 2 different mothers.  2 beautiful, brilliant young women.  

The first was taken from her father at divorce.  It mattered not her mother deserted for a year, in which he raised her by himself.  It was typically railroaded.  His own lawyer silenced him.

The mother's family immediately isolated the daughter from the father.  Worse, they conditioned her to hate him.  This, in spite of his being a decent loving Dad.  They coveted her and made sure his visitation rights were violated.  Nothing was done.  It was social/familial brainwashing.  It's a typical anti Dad tactic.  Some Moms too but mostlyDads.  

The father was fortunate with the younger daughter.  He raised her and her brother to young adulthood.  There was a close, loving relationship.  He taught them to think for themselves.  He protected them.  

Then the daughter went away to college.  The parents blithely remained ignorant of the collectivist nest that college was  It even included promonant commie graduates.

She was systematically conditioned to loathe her country and especially her father.  They didn't count on her Mom being tough too.  It was a common tactic to brainwash kids.  It was socio/political conditioning.  

If this happens to you, resist with truth, patience and especially love.  It is the one thing that is steadfast.

Once washed, air drying gives clothes a sweet natural restart.

Instead of replacing ie washing away the good, cleaning out the filth and ironing to instill toughness counters brainwashing.

The sweet wind of truth and Freedom banishes emptiness.

The hot iron takes away the wrinkles and evens the score.

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