Saturday, February 26, 2022


 As said, moving engenders memories.  

Coming across a drawing, object, pics etc springs a mem.  It might be fleeting or more ingrained.  It could be about anything, both good and bad.

Sometimes things long seemingly forgotten come forth.  Perhaps sporadic, but also specific.  It may fit the moment.  We store a lot.  I believe much of it is available depending on the sitiuation.

It may be code as it were.  Something has a surface meaning and underneath there lies a key to a solution, an answer.  

It could be meaningful to recall people and events, for weal or woe.  One might have the now meet the past.  

Circumstances bring one's mistakes/sins to mind.  Seek forgiveness and don't let it stop you inre doing right/good.  Face everything and do right.

Things happen for a reason.  There are no coincidences.  I believe this.  It is foremost in my life and I think in most others.

What we do with mems is telling.

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