Monday, March 28, 2022


 When I was a kid, I loved automats and cafeterias.  It was a simple thrill to select food from a variety and open a little door and it's yours, providing you pay lol.  

In the cafeterias, there were wait people dishing out the food.  The automat had people behind the doors stocking and restocking.  Making and serving food is tiring.  Large quantities or individual meals, it takes energy.  Perhaps we take for granted the work done.  It isn't necessarily callous.  As with all service, I try to acknowledge them.  Sometimes a simple thanks is enough.  Tips don't happen much in those restaurants.

Somebody has to cook.  To wash dishes.  It's great as a treat to eat out.  Many do so more often than not.  

These days, there are those who seek to destroy the economy.  They want to rewrite society in a collectivist matrix.  We know and we counter with healthy doses of profit and truth.  

Care.  Be aware of folks and be grateful

Food for thought.

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