Monday, May 30, 2022

Excuse Vs Solution

 Having a collegiate background in Clinical Psych, I'm familiar with mental health terms.

They've changed over the years, some good some well, trendy.  In other words, it isn't always to manipulate.  It can be honest attempts to better describe a condition.  Instead of 'oh well, that's just the way it is', we have possessed methods of understanding.

If someone has a particular condition, one might live with it and either improve or settle into the sediment.  How a ticker works can lead to keep it just ticking or tick better -s-.

Learn about yourself.  Don't be afraid.  Be honest and consult with open people who seek enlightenment.  

Some of what goes on is 'birds of a feather' as in misery loves company.  Or it serves those who wish to control others.

Seek those birds who also seek folks who want/need answers.

Controlling due to lack of self vs self control/enlightenment.

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