Monday, July 3, 2023


 I venture from one thing to another.  I have a pinball mind lol.

Memory of my youthful battle of the rise brought to mind a scene in Dr No where Bond is in his hotel room.  His jacket is off as he accepts a martini, vodka, shaken not stirred from a waiter.

The suit, made by Anthony Sinclair, has a high rise.  Later movies feature a low rise.

What a mind for minutiae -s-.

Now, I've seen all the Bond movies, including the latest, several times both onscreen and tape/disc.  When I like something, I repeat my viewing.  There are a lot of shows and movies that have born repeating.  Interestingly, there is always something refreshing, perhaps a different perspective, every time.

I'm detail oriented, so I notice things overlooked, even after many views.  And yes, I have a great deal of possibly useless info.

There is a point -s-.  

I got to thinking of my viewing/observations.  

If I like something, whatever the reason, then I repeat.  And I'll give something a chance.

For me, there are several 'agains'.  Some are once only.  And nevers are a factor as well.

I won't belabor this,  They are what they are.

And I'm sure you all have similar lists.  

Forgive my idle thoughts in these tremulous times.

Chalk it up to freedom of choice.  

Plus some things are worth repeating as some are not.

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