Tuesday, August 1, 2023


 An interpretation of the story in Jon was illustrated in a movie.  My memory is faulty.  Might have been Jesus of Nazareth.  Not sure.  There goes the mems as I age lol.

I want to comment on that filmic interp.  Forgive me if I misinterpret Scripture.  It is the symbolism that brings my comment.

A man blind from birth was begging.  Now back then there was no Goodwill nor any other program to overcome handicaps.  Begging was the only recourse.  

Jesus spat on dirt, made mud and put it on the man's eyes.  He was told to was it off at Siloam pool.  The man could then see.

Of course the Pharissees tried to say it was some kind of flim flam usw.

Nonetheless the man was blind then could see.

Now in the film, He thrashed about and seemed in pain as Jesus applied the mud, as though the mud stung him.  His fear was palpable even as he washed.

But then he could see and was free to pursue life. 

He overcame the fear and followed Jesus.

Perhaps he was first set in his ways, was used to blindness.  Then his world was rocked.  It was painful a bit to begin with, then he gained courage.

Jesus said, ''For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind can see and those who see will become blind.''

We lie to ourselves.  In the temporal world on into the spirit world, It's so.  Yet good and evil wend their ways through all aspects of our lives.

We are in a great battle in the war between good and evil.  We choose to follow a lie and ignore it or we seek to see and do something.

So it was in Jesus' time on down to the US founding and onto now.  And yonder to the future.  

Work through the pain, see Truth/Freedom and go forth into the fray.

Then we turn a 'blind eye' to the shiny baubles that evil dangles, all the lies and false promises.

Freedom is God's gift.

Tyranny is the darkside's.  

Walk Free.

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