Monday, March 3, 2025


 'You are unfit for military service at this time.'

That's what the mustering out corporal said the day of my Selective Service physical.

I knew it would happen because of a left shoulder bone being stapled together.  It was thin where it should have been thick.  My brother had the condition in both shoulders.  It ended his hopes for a military career.

As for me, it ended my desire to serve in Military Intelligence.  Details are classified.

Though expected, I was still gob smacked.  I felt ashamed anyway.

Many friends, associates and classmates served.  

All gave some and some gave all.

Friends said I didn't miss much.  These guys were the best and meant to assuage my guilt.

BTW my psychological and moral checkup were outstandingly positive.

There were alternatives.

I was meant for other things.

Refuse to give up or give in.

I made the most of parenthood, remembering many were bereft of same and a lot of kids were robbed of their fathers and some mothers.

Still, life persists.

We are all here together.

All our yesterdays coalesce.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Can You Will you

 Would you?  Could you?

Cleaning toilets.  Do you poop?

Making beds.  Do you sleep?

Washing dishes.  Do you eat?


I've done all these things and more.

People who have most things done for them might become like the monkey people.  Look up the story.

Is it wrong?  Not necessarily.

But people should be prepared to do for themselves.

One never knows.  'Never can tell' a girl once said.

I've been down both roads.

Thank God I travelled that Second Road.

Time to go fix breakfast.

And wash the dishes.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Goal Posts

 Rarely if ever, do things happen all at once.  Bit by bit.

My legs were getting flabby.  I decided to strengthen them.  So, one morning I initiated a series of exercises to remedy that.

Slow and painful at first, I pushed through.

Now, my legs are fairly trim.  At least for my age lol.

At the risk of dangerous reticence, I have a system to handle my books and other writings.  

The almost cliche one step at a time saying is nonetheless true.

One can keep prepping as on goes along.

As I said elsewhere, we regain bit by bit what was taken away bit by bit.

As for my body, well I'm still working on my caboose -s-.

The work continues.