Monday, March 3, 2025


 'You are unfit for military service at this time.'

That's what the mustering out corporal said the day of my Selective Service physical.

I knew it would happen because of a left shoulder bone being stapled together.  It was thin where it should have been thick.  My brother had the condition in both shoulders.  It ended his hopes for a military career.

As for me, it ended my desire to serve in Military Intelligence.  Details are classified.

Though expected, I was still gob smacked.  I felt ashamed anyway.

Many friends, associates and classmates served.  

All gave some and some gave all.

Friends said I didn't miss much.  These guys were the best and meant to assuage my guilt.

BTW my psychological and moral checkup were outstandingly positive.

There were alternatives.

I was meant for other things.

Refuse to give up or give in.

I made the most of parenthood, remembering many were bereft of same and a lot of kids were robbed of their fathers and some mothers.

Still, life persists.

We are all here together.

All our yesterdays coalesce.

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