Sunday, December 30, 2018

Uncommon Denominator

I've posted re fear before.  That goes for isolation as well.  The goal of the darkside is to dispirit us, to cause us to give up.

What the fallen count on is a result of their attitude toward humans and God's Creation.  They hate it.  They hate us.  It is unfathomable and ancient beyond time. 

Most important here is that attitude.  Because they despise us they treat us like cattle, beneath them. That is their mistake.  Pride came before the fall.  It still does with spirit and its human minions, the elitists etal.

Some of you may not consider this relevant.  Or you thinks it's nuts.  Ok.  I would never force anyone to believe what I do.  Follow your road to Freedom and Restoration of the Republic as you will.  However, I'm dealing with the basis of what's happening.

When people wake up and realize they have been/are being played, there is a mixture of thought /emotion.  Channeling anger to oppose this pride/control is utmost.  Get to thinking, knowing how the enemy operates, and dissemble their plans.  Know your enemy.

What's happening currently is encouraging.  We need to keep waking people up at least to temporal tyranny and how far gone we've sunk.  It's obvious, noting the way not only how the President is being treated, but all of us who seek Liberty that things are dire.

Study how the collectivists operate.  It's all over msm, social media even ftf encounters.  Violent, hateful derisive.  An over emphasis on Alinsky 5?  Yes but read all the rules.  Know your enemy.

Realize it's all control and the end goal is total worldwide control.  Those who would be our masters hate us knowing that and countering it bit by bit cogently.

And their weakness is treating us as I said before, like cattle.  And their hate is predictable.

Lies and half truths are still the disorder of the day.  Censorship is on the rise.  Opposition to senseless war, to squelching health and technological achievements, to nationalism and self determination are all over socalled current events.

Collectivism is the battering ram to dissemble and demolish US and the world.  These united States are the major stumbling block.  And we are still doing as the Founders did, lighting brushfires of Freedom in the minds of men and women not only here but all over the world.

Don't just react.  Use initiative.  Deliver.  Sitting round and getting upset at the latest collectivist outrage does little.

Be an uncommon denominator.  Shock the unshockable with truth and forthrightness.

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