Sunday, April 28, 2019

Oaths Rising

It's always so.  But there is a current tide in the affairs of people and it's surely rising.

'The choice of all men, to endure oppression, or to resist', as presented in the prologue to The Alamo 1960, is profound and always true. 

An oath taken is lifelong.  It cannot be revoked.  It can be betrayed or suborned.  It can even be dormant.  But, it is lifelong.  You may end whatever kind of service you were sworn to uphold; the oath colors your life.

There have always been threats to the Republic.  People have dealt with them in several ways.  Sometimes as a light rain, others as a storm.  And there are occasionally the ensuing floods.  I don't mean a little standing water in your basement.  It is a raging torrent, sweeping objects away or obliterating/covering them.

The threat has never been worse.  Perhaps just as dire, but never as full swung.  The machinations of the varying 'flavors' or odors, of collectivists are full blown and unrelenting.  One can easily imagine if we were totally disarmed how complete their tyranny would be.

So there is a call to patriotism.  Oaths are rising with varying degrees of  intensity and necessity. 

New oath takers are coming along for much more than a ride, given by those countless predecessors.

You must decide where your watermark is etched.

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