Saturday, May 30, 2020

Old And New

Things can change.  There is an end then a beginning.

Now, we could debate karma in all its nuances.  Let it be simply a term for events currently.  Good or bad, old or new methods, ways, fluctuations for how we live.

Let's say there is a pattern of events, large and small, that oppose/thwart a person.  One course is tried and obstacles rise.  Around, over, under, through?  A similar thread appears even when something else is attempted.  And occasionally there is an attempt on the person's life.

While the old is busy in its rut, a new way rises quietly.  Facts are accumulated and the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune make one tougher.  The old is studied and its ways become well known.  It never changes.  The new gives way to something surprisingly old as well.  There is eternal truth that outdistances lies.

And we think for ourselves.

The old tries to lure and bully its way back.  This is to no avail.

We move forward, on a journey of Liberty on all levels.

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