Thursday, May 28, 2020

Show And Tell

People can be told the moon is made of green cheese.  Then they either accept that or find out for themselves.

I always advise you to dig, research.  Facts are stubborn things.

The collectivists will obfuscate of course.  They will ascribe to us what they themselves are guilty of.  Mostly editorial type opinion passes for facts with our leftist buds.  And when they demand cites, if you oblige (I don't usually.  I tell them to find it themselves for the truth is before them.), they will claim your sources are merely biased and from unreliable places.  In spite of actual facts, they drone on and claim you are doing what they actually do.

Now, facts are finally inundating the public concerning crimes against the President, the People and Constitution.  How convoluted it is.  And the material is irrefutable, though of course, the collectivists try.  The People are being shown.

Like the friend who taught me to house paint my way through college, there is a right way and wrong way.

So, if that green cheese is not the moon and doesn't even exist, you will soon see.

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