Friday, January 29, 2021


 Noting the qualities of people.  And maybe speculation creeps in again.  Take a look.

Ever meet someone who gives you the creeps?  Or see people who repel you?

We joke about our enemies, but they do give pause.  I think certain politicians look like Dick Tracy villains.  

Now, some age better than others.  All sorts of factors come in play.

Looks?  A pretty face can hide an evil mind.  So content of character is important.  

Look at eyes.  Some are Dorian Grey, others are piercing, luciferian.  

People who are possessed are often smooth.  The perfectly possessed have made a deal and are in union with the Fallen.  But I guarantee one can sense them.  And they sense those of the Light.

Some not so attractive folks are saints.  And the opposite is true.  

Often it is the deeds of others that are telling.  Need I say more re current events?

The wasted steal anything they can.  And they try to control due to lack of self.  They try to waste our time with collectivist miasma.  Expose them.

Be fearless.  Don't let them waste you.

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