Wednesday, September 29, 2021


I knew a girl who said her family preferred to be a power behind the throne.  Ok, long as it's for the right reasons.   

Some people like to help or hinder and be if not anonymous, at least more quiet.  They are then free to go about relatively hindrance free.

I remember stageplays in which I acted.  In smaller productions, I worked backstage too.  I even helped build a stage/theater once.  

All the busyness of showbiz goes on.  It's quite frenetic.  The audience only sees the tip of the iceberg.   There is so much going on.

Set building, special effects and lighting/sound are finished and tweaked.  It all works in congress to make a production happen.

Congress.  So much happens behind the scenes there.  So it goes elsewhere.  

Be a part of it.  Don't just expose bad guys/actions.  Promote the good.  And become a part of it one way or another.

Lotta energy generated backstage.  It's exciting.  

Another opening, another show.

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