Thursday, April 28, 2022


 There was a gentleman we'd encounter sometimes downtown.  He most often was on the Circle, as we call the center of the city.  

This man would walk around and preach.  He never got in anyone's way.  He simply spoke of the imminent return of the Christ and that people must be ready.

He spoke out, but never got in anyone's face.  His fervent tones resonated downtown and he was something of a fixture.  I remember the guy well.  He made quite an impression on a grade school kid.  

A lot of people ignored him.  Some stopped for a moment.  Most often, he offered printed tracts which spoke of the Second Coming and getting right with God.  

The man wasn't so doom and gloom as he was happy and expectant.  His warnings were serious and there was gravity in his speech.  Get ready or suffer.  He was happy and ready to meet his Lord and he wanted others to join him.

Again, he never forced anyone to even listen.  His presentation was simple.  He never looked down on anyone either.  He invited folks to get onboard or be left at the station.  

He cautioned life without God was hollow and shallow.  Reminds me of 'abandon hope all ye who enter here' from The Inferno.  

I remember his handing me a tract one day.  He smiled as he did.  Yes he was grave but he had a joy in doing it.  

The tract was one of those usual God saves sin kills pamphlets.  It was replete with several bible quotes backing the message.  

His faith motivated him to share.  The man was honest and forthright.  

The dark side would fool us into thinking there is little of that today.  I disagree.

There are more good than bad.  And people are rising to meet the challenge.  We either do so or the bad guys win.  

In the old days, seeds were scattered by hand, either plowed or openly.  

How do we cultivate, once scattered?  

Get the word out first.  Then nurture.

Depends on how the message is delivered.

And received.

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