Tuesday, June 27, 2023


 There are many meanings and synonyms for rise.  I suggest you get to a good online dictionary or even a printed one to check them out.

Here I'm referring to the distance from the crotch to the waistline on trousers.

Since Jr High, I've had a particular way I like my clothes cut.  No boring details save for an incident back then.

I was fortunate to be able to buy clothes from department stores mostly.  One of the services provided was free alteration.

I bought a pair if pants and went right to the tailor at the store.

I preferred the low rise.  That's the waist set at the navel or slightly below.

The tailor preferred the high rise. or up above the navel.

I asked him to low rise cut.  He insisted on high rise.

I plainly asked for low, as they were MY pants.  He ignored me.  

I adjusted the waist where I wanted it.  He yanked the waist up rather forcefully.

As a result, I said no thanks and left with the pants uncut.

I took them to an elderly mom and pop tailor in our neighborhood.

He was used to the customer being right and didn't try to push anything on one.  A master tailor, he was a craftsman who altered and made good clothes that made one feel good and appear well.  Self confidence was his greatest gift.  

The other guy was just the opposite.

Low rise they were and lasted for years.

My choice.  Not another's.

Sometimes no charge isn't really free if we are told what to do.  

Sometimes we have to pay for what's right.

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