Tuesday, February 4, 2025


 Every Good Boy Deserves Favor.  A way to learn musical notes.  It is also a play by Tom Stoppard.

It deals with the soviet practice of imprisoning dissidents in mental institutions.  IOW you have to be nuts to oppose communism.  Uh-huh.

We face a kind of mental inmates running an asylum now with opponents to our current resurgence of Freedom claiming WE are the criminals and insane.  Classic collectivist projection.

How do we combat such silliness?

We continue to tell the truth and maintain our course to restore the Republic.

We convince others about past wrongs and how we right them.

We intensify what has been done recently and go nonstop.

Their notes are sour.

Ours are clear and dulcet.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Red Dog

 There is an independent bookstore in Greenwood Indiana that needs help.

Now, I'm not paid for this, but I am a customer, so I want to see them come through.

They have been told by their present landlord that they must vacate their current location.  The date has changed and keeps shortening.  It might be the end of the month.

Anyone seeing this please support them in any way you can.  They hope to find a new location.

Red Dog is located 1001 N 135, Greenwood Indiana.  Also check them out on Facebook and any search engine.

The store is great and has a wide variety of books, movies, and so much more.

The staff is friendly and helpful.  They are truly positive.

If you love books, etc see what you might do.

Sunday, February 2, 2025


 It can be from broad to specific.  The very nature of someone or a portrayal.

One can as an actor, play good or bad.

One as an individual can BE good or bad.  Often that fluctuates to a degree.  

Also as Shakespeare said re all the world being a stage and people being players.  We live many parts, wear many hats.  

Far as acting goes, characterization comes from within.  It is not like an overcoat or a cloak.  It is pretend but emanates from thoughts.

The hidden comes forth.

Is it pretend or is it self?

Only living life can tell.

Saturday, February 1, 2025


 The Great Escape is a great movie.  Based on a real escape from a German prison camp in 1944, it doesn't take liberties as much as consolidating people and circumstances/events during that time.

The original idea was to escape 250 prisoners.  76 made it out and 50 were executed.  The escape was part of the pre D-Day activity meant to gum up German resources.

The whole camp worked on the escape to one degree or another.  

I knew 2 of the prisoners.  One lived in Evansville.  The other owned a neighborhood bar ironically just blocks from where the movie was showing.  Great men.  All great men.

Hilts was a consolidated character portrayed by Steve McQueen.  The motorcycle scenes were fictitious to showcase Steve's skills, save for the famous leap performed by Steve's friend Bud Ekins.

Hilts.  The character was a serial escapee.  He was irreverent and single minded.  Hilts made the most of any opportunity to escape.

Yet, he escaped, studied activity in the area, especially train schedules and allowed himself to be recaptured so he could share the info with the others.

Being singularly minded is not bad, when it amounts to Freedom.

Refuse to give up.  Refuse to give in.

Finally recaptured near the end of the movie, Hilts sits in the cooler and repeatedly bounces a baseball off the wall.  That sound confounds a guard.  But, we know what it means.

Unquenchable thirst for Freedom.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Nolens Volens

 Some things happen whether we want them to or not.  They are life's surprises and result in things we are compelled to do.

To seek healing or suffer as circumstances worsen is that compulsion.  A choice.

Dementia, mental illness and yes even possession can happen around one.  It draws down and aids darkness though the first two are not evil of themselves.  Darkness tries to utilize them and distract from wellness.  Wellness dispels darkness.

Nolens volens can be mild or severe, even good or bad.  

We may know when things happen.  There are warnings and usually increasing signs.  But, ignoring something will NOT make it go away.

One might hope and see periods where things seem better.  But, sooner or later the problem manifests and to a crescendo and leaves no doubt as to intense problems.

What are we gonna do?

Find trustworthy people, get advice from those who are skilled.

Don't let negativity take you with it.

Seek healing and help for self to deal with those who will not.

Nolens volens is an old story.

Prepare for the unexpected.

Friday, January 3, 2025


 Not the fabric store, though the word rings there too.

We seek clarity.  Complications are factors that can be pocketed or even dumped.  

For those who overcomplicate, it's analogous to stupid.  They project.

There are conspiracies.  What the public sees is often the result.  

What we seek is truth.  We therefore exhibit candor.  We cut to the quick.

Also, candor is fair.  We seek truth, wherever it may lead.  

Being able to get to the crux can be a gift/talent.  And factors come and go.

It's balance.  Factors come in to explain results.  Fine.  It's when we are flooded with what ifs and tangents that we can be bogged down.  

I suggest being able to measure things quickly, not haphazardly.  I have a file cabinet mind when it comes to analyzation.

Well now, I'm ruminating near the new year.  

Just look at first reports and compare later.

Dig.  As with all things.

Kiss lol.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Lacking Humility...

 There is a difference between lack of humility and self affirmation.

We are often asked what are our 'positive' points.  What do we do well, talents etc.  We should present ourselves in self examination.  And we should be careful how we do so and with whom we associate.  Don't give the enemy any intel.

Yes, we give God credit/thanks for what we have and do.  And if we emphasize these things, be wary of certain people.

They might be those who approve others for jobs and other positions.  There are those who lack a sense of self.  We often hear of controlling due to lack of self.

About themselves, they lie and rely upon 'connections' and even fraud to get somewhere.  They are severely jealous of those who truly achieve.  They denigrate and even lie to keep many back.

Be honest.  Seek those of the Light aka likeminded folks.  Even in the face of adversity, be truthful.

Search for those who really will help.

The din of character assassination etal will lessen and we can enter into success.

False humility is hollow.

True humility proclaims we are never alone and appreciate others' efforts.

We do not flatter.  We celebrate and honor others.

Truth will out.