Thursday, April 4, 2024


 Don't let something cook away and burn.  Slow cooking's the best.

Witness our enemies.  They gradually eat away our substance.  Death by a 1,000 cuts.

As I've said, we must bit by bit take it back and surmount.  

We must bit by bit restore the Republic.  It goes by another slogan which was once used by a previous CiC.

His intent was to refashion America in the collectivist matrix.  

Ours is to indeed restore, ie, the original intent of the Founders.

Resist the enemies' intent to rush us to rashness and thus to burn up any good.  No ashes.

Let all the ingredients meld and nourish.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024


 Disregarding humanity makes those who do so inhuman.

Imagine treating people like cattle.  Even cattle should be humanely handled.  

There are those who look down on most of us.  Elitist is a joke of a term which points out the folly of snobbery.  

I've experienced that looking down literally.  Of those who do, I perceive a lack of what makes us the unique creation we are, with all the things we hold dear.  We are thankful to a Creator who cares.  

We are in a war with those who would be our masters.  They suffer from lack of self.

This isn't to say we have sympathy.  Our task is to stop tyranny.  

Trust on Great Spirit and the Angels.

Ruminations/food for thought.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024


 Can boasting be a form of abuse?  Yes.  It can be a conscious or unconscious effort to put people down.

That depends on whether someone is under a thumb, bereft of a healthy outlook.

Abuse can make some abused feel better.  It might be largely unwitting.  Maybe.  

Some attempt to overcome by implying superiority.  Check superiority and inferiority complexes elsewhere.  

Likewise, others debase themselves.

Endrunning and one upping reinforce a sense that some suffered various abuses and result in a desperate try to compensate.

There are those who can be guided to dispense with boasting, and lead away from wasteful competition.  

Honestly face one's character and deeds.  Give and receive.

Most of all, keep undercover aspects and plans.  Let them come to fruition quietly

Yes, state accomplishments and let people know what you can do.  But, develop gradually and the surprise might be pleasant except for the Darksiders.

I follow the advice of Galatians: 'Be not boastful'.  

Pride comes before the fall.  Give yourself a chance to truly celebrate accomplishment.  

Truth can surmount defeat.

Doing beats boasting.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Fear Pile

 The dark side is always trying to dish up fear.  Sometimes the packaging is different with a little bow but it's the same stuff.

Fear, isolation, depression, unworthiness etc pummel people.  Pummel back.

Face the attacks with truth.  Relentlessly.  

Base yourself in love.  If they call you a fool, so what?

Fools can't balance head and heart.  

But when darkness has someone pinned, someone is not a fool.  They are being fooled.

Help where you can.  Let your conscience be your guide.  Duke it with the dark, not the victim.

We are known by our fruits.

No foolin'.

Monday, March 4, 2024


 There are those who hide behind something and expound something else.

Pastors/priests do so re collectivism.  Nothing's more execrable.

Fiction well illustrates this.

Stargate SG1had a storyline near the end of the run featuring the Ori.  They were rebel/fallen ascended masters who preferred to control instead of inspiring.

All had to submit or be destroyed.

Their Priors spread the word and warned to join or die.  They constantly quoted their scriptures.

The Ori quote their scriptures to cover their ill intent.

We quote Scripture to shed Light.  

In the 'real world' some exploit Scripture, misquote or isolate to cover.

We shine and may occasionally paraphrase, noting such and encouraging accurate research.  

But the emphasis is always to explain and augment aka shed Light.  

Faith uncovers religion.

Shed your chains.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

A Time

 When his academic work and opinions were sought by profs and students alike.  Among those writing papers, theses etal; quotes, footnotes etc there was high regard.

A time comes full circle when such rises again.  


Saturday, March 2, 2024

What's Right

 I try to avoid names/terms that trip bots etc.  Probably just did lol.

Anyway, I attempt to let you all figure it out.

I've mentioned how my Dad taught me content of character.  He did the right thing, though the price could be high.  The alternative was untenable.

It sometimes cost Dad, but he stuck to his principles.  We used to say stuck to his guns.  That'll trip those lil critters -s-.

There is another, among a few, who reminds me of Dad's resolve.  That is #45.

He is resolute and inspite of vicious evil, he perseveres.

He and Dad are cut from the same cloth.  And they teach us a lesson.

Do what's right.

Friday, March 1, 2024


 Mom taught me to cook

As a kid, I was by her side and witnessed her home cooking.  

Of course, I've refined and added much to this.  It keeps me and the family alive.

Along with all my brother, GreatGrandmother and brother from another mother and my Dad gave me, this is not to be sneezed at -s-.

Physical sustenance keeps the body going.  It allows us to experience mentally and spiritually.

One side keeps the other side going.

And if we learn to prepare food, we become more independent.  

Even better.  Let's learn to grow it.

Sunday, February 4, 2024


 Supposedly, some groups do not invite membership.

There is supposed to be some fascination/attraction on the part of people to ask to join.  This is tempered by a selection process, also supposedly strenuous.

It can be.

It can be otherwise.

Timing, placement and association fosters a certain amount of invitation.

Masons and MENSA are 2 examples.

They generally deny this, but it exists nevertheless.  

There are those who attest to this.  

For whatever reason, some are made to consider affiliation.  

It is up to the individual as to whether they accept.

Some refuse, wishing to be unbound.  They have their cake and eat it too.  Then they can gather for particular purposes and go to other actions later.

Some believe an official association gets things done better.

Let your conscience be your guide.

What do you need and does it serve a purpose individually and/or the whole?  What purpose?

Perhaps it's profit and loss.  

Weal or woe.

Saturday, February 3, 2024


 There was fear at one time that a series of murders involving a certain sexual demographic was starting in the city.  Stabbing/choking seemed to be the method.

One night a young man was hitching home.  He'd had a long day and was looking forward to getting home.

A car stopped and he got in.

A young man was driving and the hitcher explained he was heading home.

The driver was quiet, sparse of words, and nodded.  

The hitcher was naturally cautious, knowing many cops and cognizant that the fears were well founded.

There was a smattering of small talk, though the atmosphere was mildly tense.  So, the hitcher kept an eye on the driver, while maintaining a seemingly casual air.  

The chat eventually fell to the current fear.  Then the vibes became taut.  The driver was visibly tense.

The hitcher made a point that he was straight, but did not ask the driver re his behavior.

The conversation became lengthy and they drove crosstown.

Eventually the driver parked in a then outskirt area, but still by the street.  

Hitcher could see driver was struggling talking about said behavior.  He seemed to be at odds what to do/how to act as well.

Somehow hitcher got through and suggested there were people who listened and the killer needed to stop.  He was fearless and kept his eyes on the driver.

Driver took him closer to hitcher's place, but hitcher made sure not to the door.

Soon after, the danger seemed over.  There were no more deaths or threats.

It was a mystery and one as to what had been said that one night.

Don't fear but face potential danger with eyes open and readiness.

The goal, if any, would be the moment.  

And so forth.

Friday, February 2, 2024


 Jerry Pam was a Brit born American based publicist.

He handled American PR for the Beatles and was publicist for Roger Moore, Michael Caine and many other stars and celebrities.

He was mine.

I had the guts to call him.  He didn't brush me off and we talked at length.  

He was a generous, resourceful man.  

Jerry coached me and gave me timeless advice re my career in all aspects.

He's gone, but his advice remains.

It will be evident shortly.

Thursday, February 1, 2024


 Killed the cat.  Maybe.  Cats are resilient -s-.

We have a natural curiosity.  We wonder why and how.  It's ok, to a point.

Curiosity must be tempered.  Heed warnings.

Kids are warned not to touch something hot.  Some listen, some don't.  Mostly, those burned never are again.  Pay attention.

It's how you approach something.  Use a pot holder.  Or, in spiritual/social matters, seek protection.  

Learn to see how evil works w/o doing evil.  God guides us.  Know methods and results.  Counter them.

See the effects of addiction w/o addicting.  

Too many seek and then they find to their chagrin.  

If it's good, sample.  Enjoy.  Otherwise warn and fight.  The style might tell you how.  

Concerning Freedom, enjoy, fulfill and be informed, so that you may share your experience.

Undo minefields and electric fences. of the mind.  Use caution.

Satisfaction should be temporary.

Curiosity about the future should be tempered with information and method.  

No traps.  Spring free.

Thursday, January 4, 2024


Projection.  Blaming others.  Controlling due to lack of self.

More than liberal writeoffs, it's pervasive in society.  It's saturating if someone counters lies with truth.

When someone wants to avoid analysis of any sort, they often pass off their problems to others/another.  They think they are protecting themselves and may well be hiding sort of, in plain sight.  They are destroying themselves and perhaps others by eschewing truth.  It will catch up.

A specific instance is child custody.  When custody is warranted for one the other might well attempt projection and the other terms previously mentioned.  

Sole custody stacks the deck, save for obvious cases of abuse etc.  If a prejudiced judge won't listen, even visitation gets left by the wayside.  

Outside of court the 'court of public opinion' often slants the situation.

Let us say an irresponsible person, in all aspects of marriage, will ascribe his/her faults to the other.  They wish to condition and turn a child against the other parent.  Often friends and family aid and abet this, maybe adding their own motives and those oh so hidden sins/problems/crimes.  

Some simply cannot face their problems and make excuses by demonizing someone else.  They swamp others with those problems, turning them around.  They may compensate for abuse with a 'know it all' attitude to bolster themselves, instead of facing problems and solving them in a healthy way.  

Control, to put it mildly, is a cop out.  Instead of maturing and coming to grips with self control, they prefer a lazy 'let the other guy do it' method.  Mind you this is not as serious an explanation as, say gov trying to destroy rights or making a family member submit.  Eventually, this leaks into evil and has a fallen air.  

Blaming others is the petty result of ignoring cures and is kin to control.  

Face things.  Captain Cliche says truth will out.  Painful and dangerous, it's true.  

Balance head and heart.  Be yourself and let the world see you truthfully.  Seek others who are like minded.

Above all, be on the side of Light.

PS: Don't ignore political/social engineering aka brainwashing.  Same answer.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024


 Lotta soft use for this.  A supreme liking for something in any venue.  People forget the deeper use for this.  

Addiction is pervasive and much analyzed.  I won't delve that far.  Please research more fully.

I just want to remark on a few things.

Obsessive.  A need for something w/o which someone is lost, sick and dying; even though it often leads to death.  

One can become addicted to almost anything.  Drugs, booze, food, spending, gambling etc.  It's all retreat.

Just a little to get through becomes more til there is nothing else.

True there are a few socalled 'functioning' addicts but they walk a tightrope.  Like chemistry there might be an inbalance.

Often addictions are coping mechanisms to placate abuse.  And often abused is fueled by addiction.

The whole thing is decay of family/humanity.  The solution becomes a problem.  

Reality.  Ignored.  Destruction like having tea in a burning house and saying everything was fine.  

Some survive.  Others don't.  Find out how.  

Some are prone to addiction.  Some aren't.  Stress drinking is a common example and can be stopped.

Seek and you shall find.  

Face reality every day.  Because nothing else will be left.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024


 Not me.  You.

Not the accusatory you.  It's the personal you, It's individual and group.  It can be an arrow pointed at the heart, not to harm, but to motivate.  To be made available.  

It starts with you.  You have to figure out what you can do.  You see what's going on and something resounds.  Starts with a tick then a bang and soon an engine running.  

1 you then 2 and more and more.

Can't tell you what to pick.  Whatever touches you.

So what makes you tick?

Monday, January 1, 2024


 The sands rapidly drained.  Then we upturned the hourglass and started another year.  Full of promise and potential?  Yes, as long as we are cognizant.

The earth turns.  It will turn in weal and woe.  Up to us which.  Don't let God's gift of time be wasted.

My hope this time around is for justice and Victory.

Be aware.

Use your time.