Thursday, August 1, 2024

Past Redux...

 Mt Dad died a week before my Senior year of high school began.  Such mixed emotions and events.  They are varied and a whole account would fill at least a post.

It is enough to mention this as an illustration.  That was then.  This is now.

One time, I had finished writing a sermon at a downtown church library.

As I exited, there was some kind of festival going on.

I ran into an old buddy from high school.

Did the usual hi, how're things etc.

I reminisced re those years as is normal'.

He remonstrated me and said I should stop living in the past.

I was astonished.

How could a casual meeting and recounting be living in the past?

I made not of this and we parted.

Perhaps it triggered unhappy events for him.  Not as unhappy as mine I wager.

There are some who do live in the past.  The good old days.


They retreat.  Hide.

Well, we don't live in the past.  We remember.

The past is a basis for the present and a springboard for the future.

To do the former is to live in denial.

To do the latter is to assess and go forward, not get stuck.

What do you need?  Want?

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