Wednesday, October 4, 2023


 Not the GNP lol.

When I was a student minister, I preceded each sermon with 'Grace, Mercy and Peace from God our Father through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen'

Grace covers you.

Mercy forgives you.

Peace fills you.


Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Sun & Rain

 Great for growth.  Some fertilizer and plant food too.  Plus vitamin D and according to folklore, sun in the face repels evil.  There is a broader application.

Matthew 5:45 deals with God's love for all.  He gives everyone a chance.  It is free will.  Evil people can change direction.  Many don't.

Nonetheless, the sun shines on the good and the evil  and the rain pours on the just and unjust.

I often say karma when it comes to evil people.  It's better than saying other things/fates.  To dwell in the negative is like picking up a snake by the tail.  We don't want to become like our enemies.

I was queried re certain people's fates.  It was said it seems we all can suffer similar conditions, such as heart and lung, dementia usw.  True

As for the evil on all levels, I say I hope they get what they deserve.  Ultimately, they may suffer here before they go to eternal punishment.  Maybe not.

That's when the query surfaced about why then do good people suffer?

I answered with the aforementioned Biblical quote, albeit paraphrased.

Furthermore, we of the Light are grateful, not greedy.  We endure, our faith remaining.  They curse, willing to sell their souls or throw others under the bus.

Ultimately, we suffer in spite of it rather than because of it.

So, we leave our enemies to their fate as we seek ours.

Then, enjoy the sun and rain.

Monday, October 2, 2023

Stop Vs Pause

 A stop could be temporary.  I think of it as pulling the plug.  But a pause is softer, not permanent.

Sometimes we need to charge up our batteries to prepare for the next round.  While we do, we let our enemies expend their energy and show how diabolical they are.

As Crockett said, 'Be sure you're right then go ahead.'  Get your ducks in a row.  

We are busy behind the scenes.  

We pause for what's Light, so we can stop the darkness.

Sunday, October 1, 2023


 Most of us have some regrets.

We are sorry, we mourn and miss.  That's normal for most human beings.

We try to achieve goals, improve ourselves and others, fight on all levels for Freedom.

Sometimes we fall short.  It shows we are human, especially when we strive to go past failure, learn from it and push ahead.  We don't stew and lash out, blaming others.  We take responsibility for ourselves.

Our enemies, those who seek to control us totally lack regret.  They don't care if they lie and how many they destroy to reach their goal.

Say, for example, they file false legal charges, which amount to nothing but lies or they project onto a target that which they have done.  

They will never come to regret doing it.  They follow what their masters want, dedicated to control.  

The only thing close to regret would be failure to attain their goals.  But they might think 'oh well, we are closer to victory'.  Pride and fear guide them.

Love and courage guide us, we who fight for Freedom and are resolute in those qualities.  

Their only resolution is hate and tyranny.  It fails in itself, often at the price of misery.

We persevere, for our goals are eternal, started in this Constitutional Republic.  

They don't care if you hate them.  They take a twisted pride and laugh at your castigation.  However, if you expose them and detail their behavior, they might lash out, certainly if it jeopardizes efforts.  

We are the opposite.  We base our lives in truth and love.  We care for others and see to their well being.  Even if we err and regret, we strive to overcome the darkness.  

So regret when needed.

Do not fear.
