Sunday, August 4, 2024

S F...

 Sometime abbreviation for sci fi aka science fiction.

The best way to get some points across is through fiction, actually faction.

It can frighten.  It can warn.  It can offer ways to triumph.

Long ago, I discussed the encroaching evil in the world.  There are several warnings and gateway works around.  They offer hope and solutions.

The person I engaged in conversation said there was no use getting upset about things we cannot change.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

She was refuting the very concepts she and many embrace re SF..

Don't fall for hopelessness.

If we lie down or bend over, we'll truly be sc***ed.

That view countermands the Founders.  It subverts Freedom.

We refuse to live in fantasy and let the winds of fate bat us around.

We must ride the waves of destiny.

Don't betray SF.

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