Thursday, January 4, 2024


Projection.  Blaming others.  Controlling due to lack of self.

More than liberal writeoffs, it's pervasive in society.  It's saturating if someone counters lies with truth.

When someone wants to avoid analysis of any sort, they often pass off their problems to others/another.  They think they are protecting themselves and may well be hiding sort of, in plain sight.  They are destroying themselves and perhaps others by eschewing truth.  It will catch up.

A specific instance is child custody.  When custody is warranted for one the other might well attempt projection and the other terms previously mentioned.  

Sole custody stacks the deck, save for obvious cases of abuse etc.  If a prejudiced judge won't listen, even visitation gets left by the wayside.  

Outside of court the 'court of public opinion' often slants the situation.

Let us say an irresponsible person, in all aspects of marriage, will ascribe his/her faults to the other.  They wish to condition and turn a child against the other parent.  Often friends and family aid and abet this, maybe adding their own motives and those oh so hidden sins/problems/crimes.  

Some simply cannot face their problems and make excuses by demonizing someone else.  They swamp others with those problems, turning them around.  They may compensate for abuse with a 'know it all' attitude to bolster themselves, instead of facing problems and solving them in a healthy way.  

Control, to put it mildly, is a cop out.  Instead of maturing and coming to grips with self control, they prefer a lazy 'let the other guy do it' method.  Mind you this is not as serious an explanation as, say gov trying to destroy rights or making a family member submit.  Eventually, this leaks into evil and has a fallen air.  

Blaming others is the petty result of ignoring cures and is kin to control.  

Face things.  Captain Cliche says truth will out.  Painful and dangerous, it's true.  

Balance head and heart.  Be yourself and let the world see you truthfully.  Seek others who are like minded.

Above all, be on the side of Light.

PS: Don't ignore political/social engineering aka brainwashing.  Same answer.

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