Wednesday, July 3, 2024


 We had termites in the backyard at the old house.

They are progressive.  They took out a maple which crumbled and fell.  Then they spread to another and it died slowly.  Limbs fell and one even snapped in a windstorm.  

Why didn't we take care of it earlier?  Slow almost secret deterioration and preoccupation with the interior.

However, far as we know they have stopped the rot.

There are other wood eating insects, hornets especially.  So-called death watch beetles work from within.  They have a weird knock as their 'work' continues.

That house survived.  Not just the bugs, but slow breakdown.  It was 200 years old and solidly built.  It has been restored, and should last for a long time.

It takes perseverance and skill to keep it up.

On the dawn of 7/4, the symbology is obvious.

Be alert.  Restore.  Maintain.


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