Monday, September 2, 2024


 No, not mine -s-.

Though time is incrementally shorter, I hope if God allows, that I have a bit more time to accomplish some not all goals.  We'll see.

I happened on an obituary of a guy I met long ago.

He was a devil worshiper.  I'm not dignifying by naming fallen names, nor tripping possible bots.  But, he was hook line and sinker with the fallen.  Creepy.  Static feeling round him.

He had an attic apartment in his elderly parents' house.  They were devout Christians and they seemed 'burdened' with him especially in terms of that creepy feeling I mentioned.

He was their son, so they begrudgingly 'tolerated' his ways.  

At any rate, his obit said he was a true son of the church.

Now perhaps he repented.  Some do.  

Or, my guess, is they ignored his fallen path.  Cover up the embarrassment, the awkward path for the sake of appearances.

Of course, I hope he repented.

I've helped some turn to the Light.  

The fallen like to hide.  There is a tendency for boldness now.  Still, hypocrisy and deceit hallmark our enemies.

I've seen shining obits where the deceased is portrayed as a saint when they are the opposite..

Now it's fine to extol folks and recount their lives fondly.

My Dad and brother from another mother are examples.

OTOH some obits are short, letting people's lives speak for themselves.

Memory of love is more than that.

Love and Light live forever.

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