Wednesday, September 4, 2024


 It was a quick journey downward.

I was on the way to a business meeting as I strode up the street.

I usually watch where I'm going.

Well, this time I caught a jagged bump with my toe and whoosh, down I went.

I yelled as I fell.  It seemed like those slo-mo scenes.  

My knees took the worst, as I folded to avoid breaking them or legs.

My hands went out next, saving my face.

I quickly snapped my mind out of shock and started to rise.

A voice said, 'Oh gosh.  Can I help you up?'

A tall young guy took my arm and levered me up.

He asked and I told him I was ok-enough.

When he was sure , he walked on.

It gave me the momentum to continue to my meeting.  There was no going back.

I merely arrived, washed off and concluded my business.

I had to.  So I did.

Least expected trouble then help then success.

Rewarded with a couple of Irish lunch and a beer.

Quite a trip -s-.

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