Monday, March 4, 2024


 There are those who hide behind something and expound something else.

Pastors/priests do so re collectivism.  Nothing's more execrable.

Fiction well illustrates this.

Stargate SG1had a storyline near the end of the run featuring the Ori.  They were rebel/fallen ascended masters who preferred to control instead of inspiring.

All had to submit or be destroyed.

Their Priors spread the word and warned to join or die.  They constantly quoted their scriptures.

The Ori quote their scriptures to cover their ill intent.

We quote Scripture to shed Light.  

In the 'real world' some exploit Scripture, misquote or isolate to cover.

We shine and may occasionally paraphrase, noting such and encouraging accurate research.  

But the emphasis is always to explain and augment aka shed Light.  

Faith uncovers religion.

Shed your chains.

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