Thursday, October 2, 2008


I could mention several regrets. I zigged when I should have zagged etc. Sometimes when thwarted, it has led to another path. Repeat and try again -s-. It has led to success and failure. This time, my regret is national, maybe even worldwide. It's not personal. Well in a way it is. It's also a regret I know shared by many. I regret Ron Paul is not running for President.

I can think of no one holding national office better qualified. He honors and still sees the Constitution and Bill of Rights as the Supreme Law of the Land, He is, therefore, one of the few Constitutionalists in the Federal government.

The man can give as well as take, both fairly and when the pundits etal try to overwhelm him (aka sticking it to him). He is eloquent, in an understated way. He doesn't 'put on airs' like McBama (my fave for both the 'mainstream' candidates). There is no seeking adulation as there is by Obamygod (my term for this mindless fawning for our marxist community organizer). There is no saying one thing and doing another vis a vis McBama.

Of course, he's treated like some figure of eccentric fun or derided, or downright ignored. The truth hurts those who do so. The 'mainstream' press (Bob Schieffer, CBS newsman, expressed wonder at what that meant after the VP debate) is in the pocket of the political economic machine so its vested interest and actual command is to be loyal to the status quo as determined by our puppetmasters.

How long, btw, are people loyal to this country going to be given an end run? I asked, at a baseball game after the Anthem, what would happen if all the people there would 'wake up' to the lies being shovelled on them. He replied that they would fight. Ron Paul wakes people up!

Let us be like Dr. Paul. Let's be like ourselves and wake up/get folks to listen to the truth of the state of our nation.

Below, some examples of Ron Paul's thoughts and how he handles pundits and politicians:

RP on CNN talking about not blaming capitalism and not bailing out.

RP teaches Bernanke (fed reserve chairman) truth about the bail out as Mr B obviously resents it.

RP discusses the previous encounter eloquently and is quite unshakable.

RP again steadfast and pointing out the truth. What a mental chessplayer and fencer!

RP questions McCain re working group financial markets. Note MCC smirking and raising eyebrows before RP's question. Then bemusement fades to puzzlement and an answer that is off topic. Starts about 1:30 to 3:30. The whole thing shows how 'fluctuating' MCC is re economy and how strong RP is.

As for Obama, his marxist rhetoric is transparent. Raising taxes then denial. Saying one thing then doing another. Wish Dr. Paul had confronted him directly.

Who do you want being CIC and 'leader of the free world' let alone just 'plain' POTUS?

I chose from a huge variety of snips. These should cut and paste ok. Also, just check out Ron Paul in general or per topic.

I hope you agree that this is a big regret for all of us. Let's turn it around and get the word out about what's happening. Ron Paul is only one man and though a great example for us, let us be our own ambassdors for Freedom!


Anonymous said...

Dream team: Ron Paul and Suzanna Gratia Hupp!

Brewer said...

It truly would have been a joy to watch Obama "debate" with Dr. Paul.

I still cannot fathom the disdain and mockery some people express towards RP.

W W Woodward said...

Apparently Dr. Paul has endorsed Chuck Baldwin who is running for POTUS on the Constitution ticket.

Once the MSM and the republican party did their number on Dr. Paul, I determined to cast my vote for him even if it voided my ballot.

If Dr. Paul continues to support Mr. Baldwin I will follow his lead, even while knowing that a third party candidate has a snowball's chance in hell of being elected.

I cannot bring myself to vote again for the "lessor of two evils".