Tuesday, October 30, 2018


Make an offering you can't refuse?  Grease the squeaky wheel?  Help or hinder; weal or woe?  All the above and more.

An offer is sometimes freely given.  It is supposed to be without strings.  It's for betterment to be used in whatever way it can. 

I remember one service when I was a student minister.  Everything went well, until the organist gestured to me.  He whispered very fervently.  Couldn't hear him until through his teeth he exclaimed 'The Offering'.  I forgot to distribute the plates lol.  It takes dough to run a church.

Some offerings are contractual.  It might be a salary or list of detailed services.  There can be give and take.  Making a bid for a construction job is a good example.  The craftsman says he/she can do a certain job for so much money.  Another could be someone wanting to buy a house.  They offer an amount, to be accepted or rejected by the seller. 

As with other functions, offerings can be light or dark.

The Exorcist TV series brought to mind temptation to greed, power etc.  It entails perfect possession .  Refer to my previous post about this.

Sacrifice is pivotal.  One gives up something in exchange for something else, even if it's gratis.  But there is often a price.

People used to sacrifice animals or humans.  Some still do.  But in faith in Christ Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for all.  And in this an offer is still accepted or rejected.

I hope this doesn't seem like meanderings or listless daydreaming.

I hope you accept it as thought provoking, as a bit of mental exercise near the eve of a vital election.

Offers of Freedom or tyranny are being made.

We are responsible for the outcome and how we subsequently deal with it.

My offering is cast upon the waters.

I'll try to remember what it takes -s-.

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