Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Green Light

From its first inception by that lazy unwashed bum, Marxism has been on the move.  He expected others to do his dirty work and the useful idiots don't disappoint.

It caught on with mostly effete snobs and spread fairly quickly.  There were even elements in the American War Between the States.  Marx was a fanboy of Lincoln.  It quietly spread, snaring the gullible, personality arrested to its fold.

Easy to share what's not yours and skate what is yours.

Russia fell under manipulation from outside and inside.  Flavors change same poison with China, Cuba, Venezuela etc.

During WW2 American commies obeyed Stalin to fight Hitler when Germany attacked Russia.  They didn't stop, they detoured.  And the Chinese version continued to subvert.

Collectivists like to spin a myth of red scare, as if commies were a paranoid delusion.  In fact it was a virulent disease.

Just like vampires, commies are strongest when people disbelieve.  But like the mythic bloodsuckers, the real one are repulsed by equivalent to silver and sunlight.  Truth, constant, unrelenting destroys them.

Study these greenlighters.  And don't just counter, take the initiative.

If anyone says communism/collectivism are passe, just smile and do what you must.

Liberty, greenlit by God and the Founders, never stops.

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