Friday, July 31, 2020


Sometimes family of blood and choice converge.  One can be better than another, but certainly not always.

Bloodlines are important to some.  There are those who take great pains concerning progeny.

Now, there is nothing wrong with family pride.  I am proud of mine.  The study of genes, dna etc, are interesting.  And the social and spiritual aspects are significant.  We are curious how we are put together.  

We must examine ourselves, flaws and all.  What makes us human.  And what doesn't  The current political climate has plenty of examples.

Standing for Liberty or tyranny couldn't be clearer.  Don't fall for the hype.  We have many areas still untouched and countless proponents for Freedom.  Beware trickery.  Look out for fraud.

I believe the President is aware and many with him are dealing with the negatives.  There has never been a more vociferous, antiAmerican attitude in our history.  The answer is all of us.

There are many here since before the country was born.  Like Mom used to say, some of our family met others when they arrived.  

There are many who have recently joined us.

What do we have in common?  Opportunity.  What we make it.

We are brought in together.  One family.

Arguments?  Sure.  What family doesn't argue.  But to destroy, well that's more Cain and Abel territory.

To build, strive, work.

E Pluribus Unum.

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