Sunday, January 31, 2021


 Nooo not puppies and lollipops, though puppies are cute.  Doggies.  Friends.  Family.  Love.  Protection.

I've blogged of Steve and Carmen.  They come to mind very often.

Steve kept our son company.  When he was round 10 he talked to Stevie.  A boy and his dog. You can confide in doggies.

How much English do doggies understand?  Don't know.  They know a lotta words concerning food/eating -s-.  They are fluent in feelings.

If you looked in Carmen's golden eyes, you could see/feel love.  Call it vibes.  And doggie smiles!  So many with them.

Doggies offer unconditional love, even to villains.  Hitler and the current national opponent had/have doggies.  Not the doggies' fault.

OTOH doggies protect from bad people and perhaps things unseen.  Ours sure did.

So many doggies in our lives and a few kitties too.

I'm just saying in these tremulous times, I hope you experience such simple but profound love.

Light is Light.

Saturday, January 30, 2021


 My Mom and Dad were high school dropouts.  They turned out as successful manager and businessman, in a domestic/business partnership.  I have never seen others able to communicate with anyone they met, including the real POTUS, as well as they.  Though the latter completed college and had some advantages, I believe he has much in common with my parents.

There is a motivation to learn in real life.  School only covers a fraction.  Same with me, though I made it to college.  Most of life is school.  

The ability to think for oneself and apply experience with a talent to learn and utilize is what makes people unique.  

When I saw Trump's predecessor say in ref you didn't build that, I knew he was lying.  Oh he was built by committee.  My parents and Trump were built by inspiration.  Investment?  Sure.  Processed?  Never.

And there are many among us, in spite of dumbing down/brainwashing, who are selfmade.

Our family and the Trumps pass it down.

Just do it.

Friday, January 29, 2021


 Noting the qualities of people.  And maybe speculation creeps in again.  Take a look.

Ever meet someone who gives you the creeps?  Or see people who repel you?

We joke about our enemies, but they do give pause.  I think certain politicians look like Dick Tracy villains.  

Now, some age better than others.  All sorts of factors come in play.

Looks?  A pretty face can hide an evil mind.  So content of character is important.  

Look at eyes.  Some are Dorian Grey, others are piercing, luciferian.  

People who are possessed are often smooth.  The perfectly possessed have made a deal and are in union with the Fallen.  But I guarantee one can sense them.  And they sense those of the Light.

Some not so attractive folks are saints.  And the opposite is true.  

Often it is the deeds of others that are telling.  Need I say more re current events?

The wasted steal anything they can.  And they try to control due to lack of self.  They try to waste our time with collectivist miasma.  Expose them.

Be fearless.  Don't let them waste you.

Thursday, January 28, 2021


 Time to indulge me.  What I'm about to talk about is speculative.  It might be considered outre.  Some ignore it.  Others obsess.  

Now agree disagree or ignore.  And though it may cost me a few readers, I hope you think about it.

We are in dark times.  And it's beyond just Rs and Ds.  It is truly between good and evil.    So let's talk what ifs.

There is a spiritual side to everything.  And in this time, we are experiencing an attempt to exercise absolute power over us.  It is controlling due to lack of self.

He!! is the lack of God and God's love.  We can imagine all kinds of scenarios, shoveling coal, fiery pits, even frozen lakes, but the absence of God is he!!.  It is the absence of love and hope.  It is the festering place for lies and pain and exploitation.  Considering what's going on, we could say we have he!! on earth.  

God wants us to have free will.  We can choose to embrace or fall.  

Collectivism/the Fallen want to control.  That is because they have no free will left.  And some are willing to be told what to do.  

Lenin proclaimed that 'worse is better'.  As things deteriorate, people are kept off balance with confusion and hopelessness, ensuring the controllers lord it over the People.  They can rewrite everything in the collectivist/luciferian matrix.  It's known as cultural marxism.  

There was a priest who was a scholar, author and exorcist.  His name was Malachi Martin.  He claimed the antichrist was in existence currently.  That was in the late 90s.  Still true now.  

Father Malachi claimed ac wasn't born as we are, but exists nonetheless.  He is said to rise when problems are insoluble.  He will solve them and people will be fooled into worshipping him.

I mention these things to make a speculative point.  What if all the ac stuff is real but seems more 'down to earth' as it were.  What if worse is better is a preparation for ac.  And what if DJT has thwarted this effort.

I know, that it may seem far fetched.  But the collectivists enmesh us into quagmires.  There are attempts to isolate us literally and to make us feel fearful and alone.  In the confusion, some will reach for any lifesaver.  Or just roll over.

Whatever you think, we must promote Restoration of the Republic.  It certainly thwarts the evil of tyranny and And brings Truth and Light.  The Founders could not have achieved what they did w/o divine intervention.  And yes it worked out historically.  Like all war, there are ups and downs, battles won and lost.

The greatest battle is now.

It's us vs them

Good versus evil.