Friday, July 29, 2022


 Facilitator of a group.  

A leader who manages.  

Listen to Art Bell.  Whatever you think, just notice how he ran his show.  He kept control.

All kinds of people called.  All kinds.  Some tried to wrest a topic away.  They didn't divert him from his purpose.  

He could be stern or even gentle; abrupt or circuitous.  He maintained being in charge without being overbearing.

A good host is like a good commander.  They allow for input, yet they stay on course.

Unlike a command position, a show allows for disagreement.  Even then, opposition can be noted but there is a flow forward.  

Control is tricky.  Like I said in another post, controlling due to lack of self or controlling due to an abundance of self, ie, self control.  

Know what to look for.  Listen.  Then go ahead.

1 comment:

teacher said...

He got people thinking. Dangerous.