Monday, December 4, 2023


 Time of the year when people get presagery  Mystical seasons and light and dark.  Time for resolutions.  

We don't wander with glowing faces and staffs.  It's more day to day.

Take it all in perspective.  It's not so spectacular as it is practical.  Events work their way through life and psychic/spirit are quite natural.  

The trick is not to get bamboozled.

Plan ahead and have a, b, c etc.  

See what fits and control oneself..

I foresee Freedom, Justice, Victory.

Sunday, December 3, 2023


 Loss can be relative.  

Losing almost an entire book collection is sad.  But nothing compared to losing a wife as well as a dog and house in a fire.

Struggling and nearly starving in a remote village transcends much loss.

However, the accumulated knowledge of a book collection can be compensated.  Memory plays a significant role.

The secrets of the ancients are within.  This includes socalled secrets and all else gained by humankind.  

One can formulate recall and systematically bring to mind that consigned to mind.  

It's a task but we are up to it.

Loss galvanizes.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Gratis Is Great

 There is a bunch of folks who are writing books concerning aliens, old civilizations, dimensional portals etc.  Theories abound for reasons relating to monuments and age.  

I have no objection to people making a buck.  Anything engaging free thought is welcome.

Personally, I've researched much of the same and share conclusions openly.  I have no need for profit.

I've studied most of the esoteric long before many were grown.  It is both personal and shared with those who use knowledge as function.  

Some secrets remain secret, for general welfare. and in the realm of ancient war.  It's far from ego and certainly when shared, it fosters freedom of thought and action.  

There are those alternative parties who are as cliqueish as mainstream.

Control is fierce  And those who try to control, fear our gifts.

I will contribute to distribute facts quietly and freely.

Make a buck if you must but be cognizant of being a keeper of the flame.

Friday, December 1, 2023

Distraction Or Instruction

 Making fiction factual or fact fictional.  

As said, getting a point across is better done using the above.  

Research yourself.  Verify by one's own standards.  Socalled official accounts might be like the above or lead one astray.  

Be careful how and who you confide.  People come and go.

Vet.  There are personalities more obvious than others.  2 or 3 dimensional thinking.

Analyze what happens to you etal..  Nothing beats experience.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Jacks Are Still Better

 There are many people who have dual professions.  They've invested much time into possibly overlapping work.  

I know someone who is both a priest and psychotherapist, for example.  

Some have what they consider 'hobbies' which may vary greatly.

There are those who have the ability to be quick studies and can assume positions thought impossible by some.

I'm suggesting you may know some of the above types.  Perhaps you yourself might qualify.

There is value in such backgrounds, officially.  And an opposite scenario exists.

People 'off the books' are a reality.  If so, work gets done, goals accomplished without a trail.  Some events remain close to the vest.  The seemingly impossible obstacle/challenge is overcome.  No proof, plausible deniability.  

Such as the above train, yet there is either no trail or a scant one.  

And skill is hidden both sub rosa and in daily life.

People appear clueless/unskilled when the contrary is true.

Both sides employ jacks/janes of 'all' trades.

More tools in the toolbox.


It depends. 

Friday, November 3, 2023


 I'm not much of a joiner.

I was prepared to enter military service during Vietnam if needs be.  I was a church member for quite a while.  

I don't follow well either.

I follow Great Spirit especially in JC.  I follow in the footsteps of the Founders.  That's about it.

I am in agreement with those seeking to Restore the Republic.  We all have a part to play.

I've been invited to join certain societies and fraternal orgs.  In spite of what they say sometimes they do recruit.

I steer clear, not because they are necessarily bad, but because I prefer to be free to do as I wish.

Though we have differences, we gather to agree what is important.

If you join, fine.  If you do so, please join with eyes open.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Gateway Or Warning

 Tis the season.  Spooktacular,

I have a friend/associate who made a salient point.

There are a lot of socalled horror movies/tv shows around.

Now, I won't speak of quality, bent etc.

Purpose is my focus.

Some seem to celebrate evil.  They present it as though it's triumphant or stronger than the Light.  They can be gateways to darkness, almost instruction manuals to embrace evil.  They are traps for the naive.

OTOH some shows illustrate the perfidy of the darkside.  They present ways to recognize evil and to shed Light on truth and even how to fight.  They proclaim caution, to beware.

So trust in God and let your conscience be your guide.

Thought over gore.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Dad And The Doctor

 It is especially time to retell this.

There was a Jewish kid being bullied.  This was long before WW2.  Some things never change.

He was alone.  Til my Dad showed up.  That turned the tide.

Dad didn't like bullies.  Runs in the family.

The kid grew up and became our family doctor and a lifelong friend.  He was a great doctor and human being.  

Some things indeed never change.  

That means we must stand up and do what's right.

We must stop tyranny.  

Wednesday, October 4, 2023


 Not the GNP lol.

When I was a student minister, I preceded each sermon with 'Grace, Mercy and Peace from God our Father through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen'

Grace covers you.

Mercy forgives you.

Peace fills you.


Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Sun & Rain

 Great for growth.  Some fertilizer and plant food too.  Plus vitamin D and according to folklore, sun in the face repels evil.  There is a broader application.

Matthew 5:45 deals with God's love for all.  He gives everyone a chance.  It is free will.  Evil people can change direction.  Many don't.

Nonetheless, the sun shines on the good and the evil  and the rain pours on the just and unjust.

I often say karma when it comes to evil people.  It's better than saying other things/fates.  To dwell in the negative is like picking up a snake by the tail.  We don't want to become like our enemies.

I was queried re certain people's fates.  It was said it seems we all can suffer similar conditions, such as heart and lung, dementia usw.  True

As for the evil on all levels, I say I hope they get what they deserve.  Ultimately, they may suffer here before they go to eternal punishment.  Maybe not.

That's when the query surfaced about why then do good people suffer?

I answered with the aforementioned Biblical quote, albeit paraphrased.

Furthermore, we of the Light are grateful, not greedy.  We endure, our faith remaining.  They curse, willing to sell their souls or throw others under the bus.

Ultimately, we suffer in spite of it rather than because of it.

So, we leave our enemies to their fate as we seek ours.

Then, enjoy the sun and rain.

Monday, October 2, 2023

Stop Vs Pause

 A stop could be temporary.  I think of it as pulling the plug.  But a pause is softer, not permanent.

Sometimes we need to charge up our batteries to prepare for the next round.  While we do, we let our enemies expend their energy and show how diabolical they are.

As Crockett said, 'Be sure you're right then go ahead.'  Get your ducks in a row.  

We are busy behind the scenes.  

We pause for what's Light, so we can stop the darkness.

Sunday, October 1, 2023


 Most of us have some regrets.

We are sorry, we mourn and miss.  That's normal for most human beings.

We try to achieve goals, improve ourselves and others, fight on all levels for Freedom.

Sometimes we fall short.  It shows we are human, especially when we strive to go past failure, learn from it and push ahead.  We don't stew and lash out, blaming others.  We take responsibility for ourselves.

Our enemies, those who seek to control us totally lack regret.  They don't care if they lie and how many they destroy to reach their goal.

Say, for example, they file false legal charges, which amount to nothing but lies or they project onto a target that which they have done.  

They will never come to regret doing it.  They follow what their masters want, dedicated to control.  

The only thing close to regret would be failure to attain their goals.  But they might think 'oh well, we are closer to victory'.  Pride and fear guide them.

Love and courage guide us, we who fight for Freedom and are resolute in those qualities.  

Their only resolution is hate and tyranny.  It fails in itself, often at the price of misery.

We persevere, for our goals are eternal, started in this Constitutional Republic.  

They don't care if you hate them.  They take a twisted pride and laugh at your castigation.  However, if you expose them and detail their behavior, they might lash out, certainly if it jeopardizes efforts.  

We are the opposite.  We base our lives in truth and love.  We care for others and see to their well being.  Even if we err and regret, we strive to overcome the darkness.  

So regret when needed.

Do not fear.


Monday, September 4, 2023

Pain Redux

 Pain is a warning.  Especially chronic pain.  

Healing can be gradual.  Sometimes instantaneous.

Pain causes people to deal with what causes it.

Sometimes it's ignored, overwhelmingly to detriment.  

When pain is overwhelming, then it can be relieved.  

Beware if someone says they can take your pain.  Sure, some can be taken.  But without pain there is no actual healing.  The problem is still unsolved.

And yes, pain must be at a level where one can actually seek a cure.  

In counseling, it's supposed to be emphasized the client must do most of the work.  A therapist can help sort things out.  But the health people seek is within.

Don't let others put it all on you.  They must take responsibility for themselves.  

And so must you.

PS: There are things, visible and invisible, which may strike w/o little or no pain.

Rise to meet the challenge.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Envy Jealousy

 I heard just the other day a definition for those 2 words.

Jealousy is wanting/wishing to have something someone has.

Envy is hatred.  It is beyond just wishing.  It is calculated and there is a wish though.  The envious wish for their target to hate just as much as they do.  Misery loves company.

We might see things or qualities others have.  The healthy attitude is to hope we can achieve our own good, not to steal nor hate others for those things we lack.

Examples are the groundwork for the future.  

Decide to reach for one's own destiny.  

Be happy for others' success and strive to do likewise.

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Keep Or Lose

 First there is get.  Acquire.  Be given.  All of by and for the Light.

Then one must keep aka maintain, defend.

If one doesn't do what's needed then one will lose what one has gained.

Nothing is gratis.  Responsibility is the price.

Establish a base.  And build.  


Friday, September 1, 2023


 My books are not strictly speaking mysteries.  There is a little bit here and there, just to flavor it.  I'll let readers figure it out.

There will be no secrets.  All will be revealed.

Kinda that way in life in general.

American Indians sometimes call the Creator Great Mystery.  There are things left unexplained.  

Some secrets are good like a surprise party.  Many are bad such as child rape.  

Secrets lurk and many are kept that way because they are evil/bad for people.  Some secrets are left hidden because they may actually serve Light and would be compromised if generally known.

Mysteries are things which have no exact explanation.  Some aspects are veiled, but the intent/will is done.  The results are in the open.  The proof is in the pudding.

Sometimes faith is enough.  Sometimes composition is important.

Our history and how it was lived are important to know.

How Great Mystery deals with us is important, but it is enough that it is done.

Can we handle the mystery and should it be secret?

Seek and ye shall find.

Friday, August 4, 2023


 Burt Reynolds as God.

Yep in an X Files ep called Improbable.

It's about choices and destiny and being in the right or wrong place at the right or wrong time.

God confronts and reminds there is a choice.

At the end there is a street festival.  It's joyous and pans up.

Soon one sees the face of God mingled with the people and event.

Pretty nifty -s-.

Now, I'm reminded that every single person has a story.

We only see some of it and quite probably just a smidgen.

However, we interconnect, stories within stories.

With God, all things are probable.

Carry on.

Thursday, August 3, 2023


 This must be my month for faith expression.  

I don't pressure people, nor claim anything but making a statement re what I think and feel in these tremulous time.

Seek and you will find.

''You will not fear the terror of night

Nor the arrow that flies by day

Nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness

Nor the plague that destroys at midday''

Psalm 91:5-6

Wednesday, August 2, 2023


 Lotta talk re faith based religion.  I separate them.

The term religion indicates rigidity.  Sure, there has to be standards.  But, sometimes the baby gets tossed with the bath.  We needn't be chained.  Faith makes us free.  

Faith is also a way of life.  We live it.  Church is a platform from which to live, share, thrive.

I might do some more on this down the line.  It is ripe for attention in these tremulous times.  

Today, I'm only going to mention one aspect.  It is a crux, a hub of belief.

The darkside continually tries to isolat, make us feel alone, hopeless.

Here it is.  The unforgivable sin against the Holy Spirit is  thinking one is unforgivable, w/o hope.

If  that gets planted, despair becomes the fetid fertilizer to spread and entrench it.

It may lead to rejection of God's gift.  The fallen willfully turned away.  People can be tricked into doing the same.

Don't fall for it.

Jesus offers forgiveness.

Embrace it.

Have faith.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023


 An interpretation of the story in Jon was illustrated in a movie.  My memory is faulty.  Might have been Jesus of Nazareth.  Not sure.  There goes the mems as I age lol.

I want to comment on that filmic interp.  Forgive me if I misinterpret Scripture.  It is the symbolism that brings my comment.

A man blind from birth was begging.  Now back then there was no Goodwill nor any other program to overcome handicaps.  Begging was the only recourse.  

Jesus spat on dirt, made mud and put it on the man's eyes.  He was told to was it off at Siloam pool.  The man could then see.

Of course the Pharissees tried to say it was some kind of flim flam usw.

Nonetheless the man was blind then could see.

Now in the film, He thrashed about and seemed in pain as Jesus applied the mud, as though the mud stung him.  His fear was palpable even as he washed.

But then he could see and was free to pursue life. 

He overcame the fear and followed Jesus.

Perhaps he was first set in his ways, was used to blindness.  Then his world was rocked.  It was painful a bit to begin with, then he gained courage.

Jesus said, ''For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind can see and those who see will become blind.''

We lie to ourselves.  In the temporal world on into the spirit world, It's so.  Yet good and evil wend their ways through all aspects of our lives.

We are in a great battle in the war between good and evil.  We choose to follow a lie and ignore it or we seek to see and do something.

So it was in Jesus' time on down to the US founding and onto now.  And yonder to the future.  

Work through the pain, see Truth/Freedom and go forth into the fray.

Then we turn a 'blind eye' to the shiny baubles that evil dangles, all the lies and false promises.

Freedom is God's gift.

Tyranny is the darkside's.  

Walk Free.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023


 Fight for it!

Self defense on all levels.

The Founders, our ancestors, did so.

My GreatGrandmother taught me to fight with words.

My brother taught me to fight physically.

My brother from another mother taught me to fight spiritually.

My Father taught me content of character.

The Founders indeed had these features.

It is our turn.

Monday, July 3, 2023


 I venture from one thing to another.  I have a pinball mind lol.

Memory of my youthful battle of the rise brought to mind a scene in Dr No where Bond is in his hotel room.  His jacket is off as he accepts a martini, vodka, shaken not stirred from a waiter.

The suit, made by Anthony Sinclair, has a high rise.  Later movies feature a low rise.

What a mind for minutiae -s-.

Now, I've seen all the Bond movies, including the latest, several times both onscreen and tape/disc.  When I like something, I repeat my viewing.  There are a lot of shows and movies that have born repeating.  Interestingly, there is always something refreshing, perhaps a different perspective, every time.

I'm detail oriented, so I notice things overlooked, even after many views.  And yes, I have a great deal of possibly useless info.

There is a point -s-.  

I got to thinking of my viewing/observations.  

If I like something, whatever the reason, then I repeat.  And I'll give something a chance.

For me, there are several 'agains'.  Some are once only.  And nevers are a factor as well.

I won't belabor this,  They are what they are.

And I'm sure you all have similar lists.  

Forgive my idle thoughts in these tremulous times.

Chalk it up to freedom of choice.  

Plus some things are worth repeating as some are not.

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Next Redux

 I reiterate, not really repeat lol.  The time and place jibe.

My friend had many misfortunes.  Once successful, he had literally dwindled.

He suffered a monumental car accident, which damaged his physical health.  Moreso, it planted a seed of despair and cynicism.

His business dwindled and he lost his wife in divorce, along with property and the long built company/work he had built.  

his children suffered.  One was profoundly mentally challenged as we say today.  Another was mild and his daughter struggled with self worth.

Attack after attack mad him not just cynical, but jaded and decadent.

He turned his back on his leadership at church, wandering from day to day.

Yet there was a part of him that clung to life.

He taught me how to housepaint, which allowed me to partially earn my way through college.  

He encouraged me to serve, even when he had backed off.

In his cups, he would ask what's next.

I said to him don't because it only invites more negativity.  Expecting misfortune invites it.  

He's gone and I hope he's in the Light.

A plan demands moments or segments, drwan together to complete it.

Organize.  Piece by piece.

Then what's next is the next part of a plan.

It will invite success.

PS: Don't be drawn out seemingly alone.  The fallen try to fill us with despair, to make us feel alone.

We are never alone.  That Plan is next.  The plan to endure and complete one's work.

Saturday, July 1, 2023


 Comic relief.

A good clown reflects the humanity evinced in a situation.  Emmett Kelly and Red Skelton come to mind.  Others w/o makeup as well.

Now, in a circus, the clowns are sent in to distract when there is a problem or catastrophe.

Vis a vis current events.  

We need some laughs.  Our enemies supply a type.

We could use some of that laughing at ourselves.

Then comes healing.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023


 There are many meanings and synonyms for rise.  I suggest you get to a good online dictionary or even a printed one to check them out.

Here I'm referring to the distance from the crotch to the waistline on trousers.

Since Jr High, I've had a particular way I like my clothes cut.  No boring details save for an incident back then.

I was fortunate to be able to buy clothes from department stores mostly.  One of the services provided was free alteration.

I bought a pair if pants and went right to the tailor at the store.

I preferred the low rise.  That's the waist set at the navel or slightly below.

The tailor preferred the high rise. or up above the navel.

I asked him to low rise cut.  He insisted on high rise.

I plainly asked for low, as they were MY pants.  He ignored me.  

I adjusted the waist where I wanted it.  He yanked the waist up rather forcefully.

As a result, I said no thanks and left with the pants uncut.

I took them to an elderly mom and pop tailor in our neighborhood.

He was used to the customer being right and didn't try to push anything on one.  A master tailor, he was a craftsman who altered and made good clothes that made one feel good and appear well.  Self confidence was his greatest gift.  

The other guy was just the opposite.

Low rise they were and lasted for years.

My choice.  Not another's.

Sometimes no charge isn't really free if we are told what to do.  

Sometimes we have to pay for what's right.

Monday, June 26, 2023

Hope Not Hopium

 I remember Dante's Inferno.  There was a sign over the entrance to hades which said, 'Abandon Hope, All Ye Who Enter Here'.  Trust and faith were out the window.

I have hope for the future, both personally and nationally, even globally.  Freedom will rise and shine.  I'm confident that will be obtained.

Work, details to commitment are in play.  We want success.  We don't just say it'll get better.  That would be a lofty ideal with no substance.  

Our enemies fill the air with hopium aka false hope.  They lie, deceive and try to keep people's minds of the truth.

The truth always defeats falsity, sooner or later.  

Hope is clear.

Hopium is cloudy.

Expect results when one works at truth.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Dad's Character

 I've spoken of this before.  I'll talk about it forever.

Oddly, I wondered what my Dad taught me.  

As far as 'fighting back', that's a foregone conclusion who taught me what.

My GreatGrandmother taught me to fight with words.

My brother taught me to physically fight.

My brother from another mother taught me to fight spiritually.

And my Dad always comes to mind.  But why?

Mrs S simply said, ''Content of character''.

He did the right thing.

Immediately, I remembered the story of a young Jewish boy who was being bullied and outnumbered.

My Father came to his side and stopped that.

The other kid became a lifelong friend and family doctor.  He lived just up the street and sometimes made housecall.  This doctor was gwenerous and strong.

My Dad siding with himwas a seminal moment.

He risked injury to save someone from certain pain, though they took their licks.

There were many instances where Dad chose the right thing.

Sometimes it's costly.  Others the rewards were invisible.  Some money, a job, to not backing down from principle.  A word of encouragement, giving someone or something a start.

He did the right thing for me.

I think why I puzzled over what Dad gave me was easily explained.

He did the right thing daily, naturally.

That's my true inheritance  My legacy perhaps even destiny

Just passing it on.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023


 It's time for the Last Row Party.

This is produced by the Indianapolis Press Club Foundation to raise money for journalism students.

Quality of journalism is indeed variable/debatable.  But it's an interesting time.

The last 3 drivers for the 500 are roasted and there is food and humor as well as camaraderie.

Also there are neat t-shirts commemorating the event.

What it means most is memories of the Indianapolis Press Club.

It was a rec room for legislators, newspeople and associates; aplace where people could let down there hair, get a few drinks and a good meal.

Having been in radio and doing news, sports and documentaries, I qualified as a member and was sponsored by a local news celebrity.

I knew many of the folks just across the street at the State Capitol.  We talked confidentially and openly on many subjects.  We also shot the breeze in comfort.

I also took my family for lunch/dinner and it was a great private meeting place for BurlyRose Productions where showbiz people could relax unnoticed.

I never went to TLRP til after sadly the Club closed.

The girls tending bar and the manager said I should go, so I finally did.

Honesty was the best policy at the Club.

Perhaps it was closed because of how compromised politics and MSM have devolved.

So other places to meet?

Well, that varies and is a confidential other story.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023


 Predictions.  Sometimes.

Inspiration certainly.

There are famous accounts and quite dramatic events spurred on by movies.  There are a lot more quiet almost workaday moments that may build.

Foresight  is one thing.  How you relate it is another.  

Rarely does getting in another's face and even shouting end positively.  Sometimes though, things come to a crisis/precipice.

Inspired poet/writer comes closest to prophet to me.  

Find the best way to communicate.  

Perhaps you will inspire others.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023


 Impressions are initial feelings.

Perceptions are insights.

The proof is in the pudding.

Balance head and heart.

For weal or woe.


Monday, May 1, 2023


 I don't know if its a halfway mark.  I think it feels like that, an impression.

It impressed me in grade school.

A teacher asked us to each calculate how old we would be in the year 2000.

It was a goal and most came to 50.

I thought at the time it was a long way off.  It seemed old to a kid barely in the double digits.  

Now, well it's past.  The mileage sign advances.

I even caught myself the other day wishing I was 50 again lol.

My only conclusion is live.

And use your time.

Thursday, April 27, 2023


 I believe I've spoken of this before.

My first impression is always a well used block wagon.  Built a lot of things with those.

However, these days it draws attention to social media.

There is a tool on most sites which allow one to block fellow users.  It's a 2 way street.

I've blocked some officious people, vulgar, hateful even threatening.  It goes beyond political views, though that has merited blockage.  Beyond differences, it is that pernicious disease with nothing to replace, no solutions, just derision.

Likewise, I've been ejected because of my support for Freedom.  Like a cross to a vampire, they can't stand the truth.

I block lies.  They block truth.

I never push any views on anyone.  I will not allow anyone to force something on me.  Accept or not.

Blockage is not to mold some mutual admiration society.  It is to eschew irrationality, to replace that with healthy dialog toward solution.

It boils down to let your conscience be your guide.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023


 A lot of people keep diaries.  It's not just young girl's secrets.

There are everything from historic accounts to folks' daily routines and impressions.

I don't push my blog on anyone.  It's here for whomever wants to read and ruminate.

I suggest you each keep a record.  I carefully keep a certain anonymity.  That's for safety's sake and respect for privacy.

If you like, there is a plethora of ideas, thoughts, regards here.

Help yourselves.

Saturday, April 22, 2023

3 Easters

 I've experienced many Easters.

But there have been over 2,000 of them.

I remember most of those apportioned to me.  Family, friends, lonely, old, new and now have been my lot.

Here are 3 which have different perspectives to offer.

The first was when I was a student minister in the early part of it.

I attended Mass with some Catholic friends.  Then I served at my church.

Next I just made a morning service at an apostolic church.  At the time, my brother from another mother was an assistant pastor there.

Each experience was spiritual as well as among friends and convivial.

My BFAM, his then wife and several members of the congregation segued to lunch at a family style restaurant near downtown on 16th Street.

The conversation was quiet but not stuffy.  And noone said a word about my color.  We were merely Christians having Easter lunch.  

After we returned for an afternoon worship.  It was quite unlike my usual experience.  It was much more musical and openly joyous.  We sang and listened to a short sermon.  This was a charismatic service and music followed with folks speaking in tongues and dancing in the Spirit.

Interestingly, I wasn't nervous nor did I feel out of place.  Though the style of worship was unusual to me, I was accepted just as I was.  Isn't that the whole way of faith?  Besides, my BFAM and and I knew each other well.

I was introduced by him as a student minister to his congregation.  They insisted on a short address.

I was demure, saying I was from a quieter type of faith and didn't want to intrude.

The folks encouraged me, saying it was alright.

So, I gave a brief homily/testimony.  With cries of 'amen' and 'that's alright brother', I cheerfully concluded.  Never received applause before lol.

Then, there was a brief praise and healing service.  I met a guy who was young but a retired actor.  We never talked about it, just accepted our presence.  Since, I still recall his soulful HalleLujah.

The second was shorter.  It was near the end of my assignment at a downtown church.

We had several elderly folks.  Many were without family.  So, I was invited to one of the lady's home.  It would in later years be even more meaningful, as it was near where I lived with my wife and kids, practically round the corner.

We had a traditional meal and spoke of Easters past.  It was just a gentle afternoon and we were both thankful for it.

The third was a trip to Chicago with my wife and son when he was a toddler.

It was a quiet family afternoon.  I had ventured downtown and got him a chocolate bunny and chocolate eggs for my wife and me.

Quiet, love filled and full of gratitude.  Simple.

So there are 3 Easters.  Each different, but complete.  

Moments in life.

Saturday, April 8, 2023


 He had served in various venues, degrees and times as a student minister.

Called to preach many times, he spoke of the Liberty of Christ,

We weren't bound to either ritual nor place.  Church wasn't once a week.  It was always.  We lived our faith every minute, everywhere.

This ran afoul of the then bishop and some of the pastors.  How odd the student thought.  The previous bishop had been just the opposite, a true follower of Jesus.  

There are those who outwardly profess Jesus but underneath they served themselves.  Control was their god.

Support for the student grew.  Many sought to help him.  This offended the bishop and his followers.

They simply pulled rank and forbade the student to preach.

Now one congregation in particular was contacted.  The student tried to explain he could no longer serve them.  He was even asked to become their pastor.  He told them he couldn't til he was ordained.  Some wanted him to lead anyway.  He declined, not wanting to cause any further fracturing.  The congregation was divided because of collectivist incursion.  

The student sent 3 letters.  One to the pastor's office, another to the Council and a third to the congregation.

He never received a response.

A pastor finally was chosen.  He contacted this person.  When the pastor was asked what happened to the letters, he told the student he disposed of them.

The following Easter the pastor specifically asked the student to assist him.

In the vestry he told the student that certain people in high places didn't want the student to succeed.

Instead of speaking of Jesus' triumph the pastor spoke of Sisyphus who in Hades rolled a huge rock up only to have it roll down repeatedly.

Obviously it was directed at the student who, though never expelled was cut off from any duties.  It was a warning not to defy the bishop.

The commie campus pastor at the student's school told him to not let the Church destroy his faith.  Such hypocrisy!

The student entered other work but always proclaimed the Liberty of Christ and has healed and led many to the Light.

Woe to those calling good evil and evil good.  Woe to those using Jesus as a front and professing communism.

Do not succumb.  Raise up and be free of the pettiness and hatred simmering in self righteousness.  

Happy Easter!


Before he was censored, the student had an opportunity to preach before the former bishp.  This great servant of God was suffering from dementia, but still able to attend church.  As the student made to leave, the former Bishop sought him at the coat rack.  ''Very..good'' he managed to say.   The student said it was an honor to deliver God's word that he could hear.

Saturday, March 25, 2023


 ''Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found.  It is the small everyday deeds pf ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay.  Small acts of kindness and love''  J.R.R. Tolkien

I agree.  Random acts of kindness.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

In The Ring

 A boxer will study an opponent.  Read up on life and study career/prep/technique.  They wil meet, including those around.

But, a boxer doesn't know completely until the opponent is met in the ring.

Attributed to Father Chad Ripperger

Monday, March 13, 2023


 As well as other family members who taught me things, my Mom taught me to make use of what you have.

Thursday, March 9, 2023


 Don't announce.

Just produce.

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Baby Bird Redux

 We know most young birds are very fragile and dependent on their parents.  It's natural to care, feed and protect the young in most species.  Then there comes a time when they/we grow up.

In some tragic circumstances, people remain dependent and need constant care.  But, most of us become self sufficient.

We develop the ability to sustain ourselves.  Not only physically, we also seek information, how to behave and further, to grow in knowledge.  Some don't.

There are those who expect the world to be handed to them.  They perish for lack of knowledge because they can't seek beyond what they are given.  They may become a type of vampire, taking but not giving nourishment/enlightenment.

There is no real thinking for themselves.  And their arrogance sustains their dependence.  

Feed yourselves and give back that we may all benefit from one another.  

If you behave like baby birds, with your mouths always open, there is no telling what might get dropped in.  

Monday, February 20, 2023


 Reverendi Ministeri.  Reverend ministers.  And like some titles, some are worthy/real and some are not.

Titles alone are just that.  As with all, content of character is prevalent.

I absolutely loathe those who hide behind such things and preach Marx instead of Christ.  Wolf in sheep's clothing.  Pharissees at least are that.  The other is an evil entity such as good evil and evil good.

Remember the fallen one appearing as an angel of light.

Ask for guidance and perception.

All can be reverends of the heart.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Thought 2 Thought

 One thought led to another about this:

I learned to fight with words from my GreatGrandma.
I learned to fight with fists from my brother.
I learned to fight spiritually from my brother from another mother.

I thought about what My Dad taught me.
Ruthie said content of character.

I hope I continue to do the right thing.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Winds Or Waves

 When karma changes, a new karma, so many want to live in one's old karma.  Let them.

Stop being beaten around by the winds of fate.

Ride the waves of destiny.

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Participate Vs Compete

 Everyone is not a winner.  Not everyone is a star.  Many are supporting players.  A team consists of people who have different talents working together for a goal.  

The whole idea of getting participation trophies is to say all are winners.  It actually subverts achievement.

Now, to try, at least one thing, may prove it isn't for one.  Try something else.  

Some of us prefer to shun the limelight or be a power behind the throne.  Not like those who would be our masters, rather we might be better suited to play another part.  

I certainly cannot do some things.  I can do others.

In Jr High, I wanted to participate in our phys ed field day.  I knew I couldn't win, but I had to try.

Our teacher was a great guy and said sure.

I did. I wasn't even considered a competitor except for myself.  

Noone chided me, nor bullied me.  I wanted to see how it felt.  Oh and noone laughed.

There was no medal nor trophy.  What was special was participation.  

Competition is a choice.  There are more serious applications.  We find them in current events.

E Pluribus Unum.  From many-one.    The sum of parts.

In a Republic, we all participate.  We each have a part to play.  Pick any analogy even metaphor you like.  Machines, suits, teams, even salad dressing as opposed to mayonnaise, what have you.

In a Republic we are all winners.  Our trophy is Liberty.  

Our competition is tyranny

Our scars and bruises are our participation.

Monday, January 23, 2023


 Some people think God is in their back pocket.

I think they will find it the other way around.

Saturday, January 21, 2023


 Why jealous?

Sure, there is the mild 'I'm jealous' when one sees something they admire.  Just that one would like a situation or thing like someone else.  

Then there is the downside.

People who covet, want what you've got.  Sometimes they put down successful folks.  They will do anything to steal possessions, honor etc.  Stolen glory will bite them in the posterior.  

I have several talented friends and associates.  I'm proud of their success.  They inspire me to achieve my best.  

Also, I encourage others to succeed themselves.  

Like controlling due to lack of self, those who cannot, steal and are used by others.

I knew kids in high school who paid some to take tests or supply answers.  Lazy, incompetent, we see such in the news these days.   

We see many who work hard and gain bit by bit for whatever success they seek.  

Admire them and learn one's own way.

Wrong shrinks and right grows.

Friday, January 20, 2023


 From mistakes greatness may come.