Saturday, November 4, 2023

Jacks Are Still Better

 There are many people who have dual professions.  They've invested much time into possibly overlapping work.  

I know someone who is both a priest and psychotherapist, for example.  

Some have what they consider 'hobbies' which may vary greatly.

There are those who have the ability to be quick studies and can assume positions thought impossible by some.

I'm suggesting you may know some of the above types.  Perhaps you yourself might qualify.

There is value in such backgrounds, officially.  And an opposite scenario exists.

People 'off the books' are a reality.  If so, work gets done, goals accomplished without a trail.  Some events remain close to the vest.  The seemingly impossible obstacle/challenge is overcome.  No proof, plausible deniability.  

Such as the above train, yet there is either no trail or a scant one.  

And skill is hidden both sub rosa and in daily life.

People appear clueless/unskilled when the contrary is true.

Both sides employ jacks/janes of 'all' trades.

More tools in the toolbox.


It depends. 

Friday, November 3, 2023


 I'm not much of a joiner.

I was prepared to enter military service during Vietnam if needs be.  I was a church member for quite a while.  

I don't follow well either.

I follow Great Spirit especially in JC.  I follow in the footsteps of the Founders.  That's about it.

I am in agreement with those seeking to Restore the Republic.  We all have a part to play.

I've been invited to join certain societies and fraternal orgs.  In spite of what they say sometimes they do recruit.

I steer clear, not because they are necessarily bad, but because I prefer to be free to do as I wish.

Though we have differences, we gather to agree what is important.

If you join, fine.  If you do so, please join with eyes open.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Gateway Or Warning

 Tis the season.  Spooktacular,

I have a friend/associate who made a salient point.

There are a lot of socalled horror movies/tv shows around.

Now, I won't speak of quality, bent etc.

Purpose is my focus.

Some seem to celebrate evil.  They present it as though it's triumphant or stronger than the Light.  They can be gateways to darkness, almost instruction manuals to embrace evil.  They are traps for the naive.

OTOH some shows illustrate the perfidy of the darkside.  They present ways to recognize evil and to shed Light on truth and even how to fight.  They proclaim caution, to beware.

So trust in God and let your conscience be your guide.

Thought over gore.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Dad And The Doctor

 It is especially time to retell this.

There was a Jewish kid being bullied.  This was long before WW2.  Some things never change.

He was alone.  Til my Dad showed up.  That turned the tide.

Dad didn't like bullies.  Runs in the family.

The kid grew up and became our family doctor and a lifelong friend.  He was a great doctor and human being.  

Some things indeed never change.  

That means we must stand up and do what's right.

We must stop tyranny.