Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Fact Or Fiction

I have been castigated for my love of certain movies. This would include such classics as Braveheart and The Patriot and many others. I have been accused of living in 'lala' land. That I am basing my love of country and patriotism on either works of fiction or historical films which take liberties with the facts. I have been told that is dangerous and my sense of history is skewed, compromised.

My answer is NO. If I did indeed do as they claim, then what they say would be true. My sense of reality would be itself a work of fiction. That is NOT the case.

Since I was small, I have been a student of history, both American and World, both irrevocably tied together. My older brother, similarly was a student of history, so much so one of his college majors was history. He taught me to dig. I was something of an intellectual/factual archeologist! We had many conversations, debates, even sometimes disagreeing. Me a grade school kid challenging his brother, a college student. I was a cheeky monkey (apologies to Craig Ferguson lol). He required me not to back down. Proof was required. Was it my opinion, which was ok as long as it was acknowledged as that, or was it a fact to the best of my knowledge. I hold true to this today. It's the very thing that I do. It is what I have been accused of not doing! Simply because I'm a movie lover.

I have posted several missives here about The Patriot etal. When I speak of such flicks, I always admonish the reader to research the real event/s surrounding the particular movie. Never have I claimed that these are anything but representations that capture the SPIRIT of the actual event. I could spend a great deal of time ragging about the inaccuracies, stretches of truths and yes fabrications (usually for continuity or to combine events/characters for the story to flow). My brother would be the first to admit those. He would also proudly proclaim he too was a movie fan. They entertain but can touch on important points. It is the 'message in the ravioli' of which I've spoken several times.

Some would rob us of our imaginations. That theft falls right in line with the rest of the dumbing down we experience. Not here. Not ever. Just ask my wife and the kids when we watch the above mentioned films and so many others including Rob Roy. My wife is a direct descendant. She knows the history. Yet she can enjoy and be inspired by such a fine motion picture.

Sometimes history can be dry. One of my former teachers, Mr. Meek (Yes that's his name and he used to laugh about inheriting the Earth), continued my odyssey through the ages. He realized the value of presenting in dramatic and comedic form many of the facts. He understood that history was made of living breathing people. What is left of them is passed to us for weal or woe. He taught us to decide/think for ourselves. He quenched our thirst for knowledge emphasizing, not unlike my brother, truth. We each contributed words of wisdom from our own reaearch and our own inspiration. We would each do a 'dramatic portrayal' of a person from history each semester. He is the greatest reason next to my brother why I am a storyteller now.

Know the truth. Be inspired by same and by those flicks that reflect the truth.

Below, please find a small reflection on all those who have fought for Freedom and how it inspires us to remember and to humbly try to depict them on film.

Millions of Voices

Do you hear us, nameless yet with names,
Do you see us, our blood flows in you.
What we did, we did for each other, for our families, for our country, to get home.
Some for property, money, fame,
Most for a principle, but all died the same.
Do you see us on film, soundtrack blaring.
Do you feel us, when you sleep in silence.

Hear us whisper,
In the very thoughts you bear.
Hear us shout,
In your actions and decisions.

Many died young in battle and many of old age.
Many wrote or have been written about.
Many have done both.

We all lived loved hated fought.
We all did more than try.
Most of us you'll never know,
Except in a glimpse, in dreams.
Most of us you already know,
For your time has now drawn nigh.

One day you will join us.
Most of you nameless yet each named.
You will do as we have done
And pass the torch along.

I will leave you this time with this thought. When we tell the stories of Freedom, there are those who try to make it all fiction. They attempt to sweep away what has been done for millenia. Be it a nameless tribesman, or David or Solomon. It might be Leonidas, Judah Maccabee. Jefferson, Washington and Adams are there too. Crazy Horse, Mad Bear join the bunch. All the doughboys, GIs and militia. The names change. The message must not. Freedom is now in our hands. Our blood is on the line. Our honor, fortunes future. Will we rise or fall?


Jay21 said...

Talk about preaching to the choir, now i know what i would say if i didn't tend to ramble on. I have tried to make a very similar argument many times. Goog read, thanks.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, not everyone has your depth of thought mikeh. All too many base their knowledge of history on what they see in a movie or on the news. I've tried to teach that you must study. Seems too many study the backs of their eyelids.

Anonymous said...

We used to wrestle too. I pinned him to a wall when I was s Sophomore in high school. He denied this. That was brotherly competition. If he hadn't been murdered, he would, I believe, agree that we are in the **** pit.