Sunday, March 29, 2009


I watched the movie with my daughter. It's a vampire soap opera based on a book by Stephanie Meyer. I watched for two reasons. I like vampire/supernatural flicks/stories. My daughter is interested in it. I like to talk to my kids about their interests.

Maybe I'm getting old but my first reaction to this stuff was 'Oh great. Seems like a teenie bopper snare'. I was wrong. At least from my perspective.

Thankfully, I'm able to cut through the romantic sparkle of her early teens and talk to her about what I think. And she is able to reply beyond how dreamy 'Edward', the teen hunk is. We listen. We talk.

Giving this a fair viewing, I found something of value. There is a fight between an 'evil' vamp and the good guys, the Cullens. Without going into detail, they are defending the life of Bella, the girl that vampire Edward loves. Bella's wounded. Blood can send vamps into a frenzy. The Cullens decided long ago not to kill humans. Between securing Bella's safety and fighting/killing the bad vamp, Carlisle, the father of the group yells, 'Remember who you are'. This famuly has sworn to value humanity and not see it merely as food. Carlisle happens to be a doctor who heals and helps humans.

Now, I'm not going to read too much into this story. But, one can get points across more easily at times in scifi/horror than straight drama at least to the public at large. It's the 'message in the ravioli' that I value as a writer myself.

Remember who you are immediately struck a chord with me. It was something my Great Grandmother lived by. Who you are equals the principle/s by which you live, embracing faith and how one treats others and wants to be treated. What you are is simply one's position, including social status, job, what society seems to ascribe as well.

If what rules who, then we are subject to whatever way the wind blows. We have no basis and we might fear losing what we have.

Who guarantees individual liberty. We can rise above status and value our own reputation, not what someone else expects. Honor, fidelity and personal integrity are building blocks for what this Republic should be.

No matter how rough things get, nor how we are tested, we must remember who we are: Americans living in a country that deems as priceless Freedom.

We have the ability therefore to think for ourselves. And see, even in a fantastic tale, something of worth.

That will stand in the battle ahead (When we combat the REAL bloodsuckers-of Freedom), when we will risk all.

No mattter what the test nor how difficult it may seem, remember WHO you are!

1 comment:

teacher said...

There is an undercurrent in Twilight of how folks live their lives seemingly oblivious to the darker aspects. Either they don't see or want to see. Of course, the real bloodsuckers are communism, big government etc. So many are naive or fools. Or so worried about workaday life (what) that who gets swallowed by self interest/fear. They don't see the threat and may not til they are drained/dead.