Friday, June 12, 2009

Day At The Museum

'If you want my guns, this is how you'll get them.'

So says a note apparently written by Holocaust Museum shooter James von Brunn.

Sounds like a nightmare version of Charlton Heston's famous 'from my cold, dead hands' quote.

Can you see anything more transparent? More demonizing?

The enemies of Freedom have concocted a slick scenario from which to riposte our stand. So they think.

So many holes so little time. Perhaps mountains out of moleholes.

This bird von Brunn is held up as an 'extreme right winger'. Gun owning, he hates Jews, Blacks denies the Holocaust and generally rants in neonazi rhetoric. This broad brush has been used before by the commies etc. And what needs to be remembered is this guy is just another collectivist too.

Mike Vanderboegh points this out at his blog. I've got it listed to the right here. Go there. See what he says. There is a wealth of wisdom as it were!

The 'crisis' at the museum seems to back up a Homeland Security finding that there is a real danger from us gunowners with strong nationalist ties, aka restoring the Constitutional Republic. Of course it does not.

This strutting nazi boy is NOTHING like us. We are Freedom minded. We want to be left alone. Von Brunn wants all to ascribe to HIS ways. Typical collectivist drivel. No free will. Just do as the state says.

Vain attempts as usual to equivocate decent honest folks with socialist filth.

We will defend ourselves. But we do not murder. We do not terrorize. We merely wish to live freely in the tradition of the Founders.

Forcing us to do otherwise is a matter for self defense.

We even defend the right of those who oppose us to state their reasons.

But we are resolved to stay Free. To be left alone. Self regulation is the basis of our Republic.

How much clearer can we be?

Don't let these socialist etc. Fanatics dictate what we are or how we live. Speak up. Show them to be the callow fools they are.

This latest attempt at demonization will fail. It already has.
But 'they' will continue hammering us.

Riposte. Blow for blow and word for word resist. And remind them that we will not start a fight. But we will end it.


teacher said...

War without end. You are right.

henry said...

Seemingly a contradiction in terms?