Monday, May 30, 2011


What better way to occupy Memorial Day afternoon than to watch this with my daughter.

It is a dramatized account of the Polish Jewish Resistance in the Warsaw Ghetto.

A small determined group decided that if they had to die, it was better to take German soldiers with them. It was better to die on their feet than on their knees

They did a remarkable job and several survived while so many more did not.

So many stories of sacrifice in the midst of tragedy. Every day people decide to fight.

I've known survivors. Be it from rape, death camp, a variety of abuses, including being sent to prison on trumped up charges by gov agencies, I've seen people come through.

Survivors go on to transcend the evils perpetrated against them. Victim survivor victor.

The cost is terrible and many pave the way with blood.

And we wonder what the tipping point is currently. What egregious offense will cause people to rise and say No! Enough? And will there be blood?

Memorial Day is a time to remember those in service who gave their lives for our Freedom. It's more.

I see service ultimately as any in the whole wide world who have given their lives for Freedom. How'a that for One World?


gi bill said...

It's different for everybody.

Anonymous said...

They try to maneuver us to make a mistake. We wait. We react.