Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Beta Waving

Trendy talking point.  Latest 'psych' term to go popular.

It can mean test products or coming in second.

In a pack animal environment, beta is second to alpha.

Now we have the pop culture term 'beta male'.  The description includes terms like unremarkable, lacking charisma, careful etc.  He wants to be right and popular.  Very hard to do when unremarkable.  They may range from subservient to 'not afraid of strong women'.  They seek approval.  He's a 'nice guy'.

Too broad a brush?  All I can tell you is an alpha is discretionary.  When to move, when to wait etc.  They don't care if they are liked when it comes to decisions.  Doing what needs to be done.  It takes calculation not hesitancy.  If you snooze you lose.

Yet there are exceptions, or perhaps nuances.  Perfection?  Everything in place?  Well Alphas go from something to something else.  One thing may not work, so they go with an alternative.  They do not keep repeating, searching for the same result.

Betas get upset when challenged.  Alphas stay passionate on the point.  Be sure you're right then go ahead. 

Betas make a mistake and excuse or cover up.  Alphas learn from mistakes.

Betas avoid, secondhand.  Alphas confront, firsthand.  Imagine for instance if the Founders had done the former instead of the latter. 

Thus, betas snipe disagreement.  Alphas passionately argue.

Balancing head and heart.  Can a petulant child do so?  Or can an experienced, by trial and error adult do so?

Some people are leaders.  Some are followers.  But each is the sum of the whole.  A good leader values and relies on the input of others.  Many of them are leadership capable when necessary.

Some are petty dictators who claim they know when they actually steal from others.

There is a defining energy which divides the sheep from the goats.

Reasonable or resolve?


teacher said...

And if an alpha doesn't know something, he doesn't pretend, he asks and/or digs.

Mike H said...

Yes teach.