Saturday, October 28, 2017


Was going to refer to intellect but that has little to do with it.  It does have to do with manipulation and birds of a feather. 

I'm on Facebook.  I use it to keep in touch, check out trends, express opinions and facts/support.  I engage in a minimum of chitchat.  And yes I network.

So, I have contact with show biz people.  They hold various jobs and what is considered prominence. As for self importance, that varies widely.  But they all have opinions

My Psych Dept head liked to say opinions are like a$$holes, everybody has one.  Indeed.  And they vary.

Some are subtle, with little directly said.  But you know what they think.  Others are blatant, in your face.  Some are simply forthright.  Yet some are even worse.  They are crass and sink to the lowest common denominator. 

This could be true for more than one view.  I'd say bluntness and crassness are separate, however.

I'm blunt concerning President Trump's immediate predecessor..  He is a Marxist shill who wounded the Republic. 

I'm equally blunt about President Trump.  He is seeking to Restore the Republic.  I believe it.  Many of us are in our own ways.  It'll take more time.  Repairing the damage is costly but not even close to the alternative.  He's blunt himself.  I like that after so much 'polish' and nothing else.

There is a hostility I believe to be the worst against any President I've seen.  I mean the vociferousness mingled with attacks against him and all who seek Freedom.  It's both planned and surprise that Trump made it.  Ayersian contingencies coinciding with 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution.

I've spoken many times of useful idiots, true believers, string pullers and the few in the shadows.  I think the upper echelon are counting on the bottom.  Useful idiots/lemmings poised to go over the edge for collectivism.

Now some leftist celebrities mix nostalgia re their past filmic careers with downright vicious attacks on our President and thusly on us.  They rely on cult of personality and like mindedness.  And their followers supply it in droves.

They mix pics and stories along with diatribes particularly re the President.  It's carefully selected and aimed at emotion with no time for analytical thought.  They seem to get the attention they still crave and espouse particularly lately, vitriol at Trump.

Many of the responses are shorter nasty barbs, nothing constructive.  And oh the flattery slathered by the sycophants. Useful idiots indeed. 

If one picks apart the diatribes, they easily fall within Alinsky's teaching.  Mostly, as said, they rely on insult and hammering a point with lies and half truths.

If one dares disagree, the followers unleash like rabid dogs or perhaps piranha.  Their Alinskyan skills vary but they are united in hatred and subversion.

Facts don't matter.  I sometimes leave just a lol or similar when the diatribe is particularly false.

These collectivist celebs play to a shaky audience.  The foundation never changes.  But they know how to tweak instability.

There have been posts urging those who disagree to be respectful and if they insist on being a-holes to leave.  Now that is rich hypocrisy lol.

IOW knuckle under no matter how factual and nonvitriolic.

The perps want things stirred up.  They bait us to go down to their level.

No thank you.  Let's just let the lemmings run off the cliff.  We have a Republic to Restore.


teacher said...

Why bother?

Mike H said...

I spend relatively little time with this. Just a finger on the pulse of collectivist manipulation. My own form of elicitation.