Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Gun Trauma

There have been accidents with firearms.  They are fortunately infrequent, but each one hammers in the din of collectivist frenzy to disarm.

There was a tragic accident several years ago at a range.  A girl, round ten, lost control of a Mac 10 and shot the instructor, killing him.

Just recently some guy mistook a dog walking neighbor for a deer and shot and killed her.

The collectivists are dizzy with ecstasy when these events happen just as they are when a 'mass shooting' occurs.

While tragic, these events are rare.  Much is done to eliminate such tragedy.  Yet tragedy pokes through relatively rarely.

People have to manage themselves.  And the number of responsible, competent gunowners is overwhelming.  Up to 2/12 million lives are saved with guns every year.

Yet, we should deal with tragedy's aftermath.  There is often regret or even repugnance concerning gun usage.  People become phobic and can't deal with the object.  Like car accidents, horse injuries, even dog bites, allow fear to dominate results.

Various caring therapies can and should be applied, but never forced.  That's what got folks into trouble in the first place. 

I suggest responsibility in the form of training continues.  Precaution and safety, repeatedly.  It worked for me and now our kids.

Gun ownership/usage is an awesome responsibility.

Take care of yourselves.

1 comment:

Ed Aims said...