Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Censor Thread

The Commissar Vanishes.  By David King, it is subtitled, The Falsification of Photographs and Art in Stalin's Russia.  It deals with Stalinist censorship; how photos were doctored to eliminate victims, enemies and former allies/useful idiots.

Typical collectivist revisionist behavior includes rewriting of history including official events and the slant made to the glorious revolutions as it were.  It's saying one thing and doing another.

From denial slaughter happened to justification for any number of actions, collectivism/tyranny hopes to whitewash history.  I've had a few personal encounters recently.

On FB a certain actress is vehemently antigun.  She has repeatedly insulted those who exercise their 2A rights, especially men, calling us weak and cowards, even stupid Neanderthals.  She personally attacked me for daring to disagree with her warped collectivist nonsense.

I remonstrated her.  She then not only edited, but erased it all and rewrote the passages.  She then claimed she never said any of it.  She has a habit of doing this and saying it's her way or the highway as it were. Stereotypical.

There are numerous instances of liberals altering what they say and denying it.  One time a guy threatened me and immediately vamoosed.  Shoulda gotten a pic of that.

And I mentioned in Twilight Time how another collectivist altered his posts.

Lies and half truths are all they have.  Don't let them get away with it.

Honesty is the best policy.  Study the tactics of the enemy and use them against them.  Not by lying of course.

Pressure them with the truth.

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