Monday, May 28, 2018

Theater Energy

Ugh.  I'm lying here sweltering in the heat.  Actually it's the humidity.  Both that and temps are high.  So I conserve strength.

This kind of weather can be debilitating even fatal to those vulnerable.  Look out for neighbors especially the elderly.

Keep one's movement to a minimum.  Choose the best time for activity.  And when necessary, go forth.

Acting for the stage is similar.  Sure on cam works the same.  But that is in spurts of action.  Energy is needed to effectively portray the action.  A good actor makes it seem effortless.  Yet nonetheless it is energy expended.

The stage means one is always 'on', when in front of the audience.  Actors must husband their energy.  Depending on the scene, the given circumstances may demand little or a lot.

Offstage also depends on cues, what's next.  Some actors stay in character while others don't.  There are varying lengths of time between appearances.  So, acting accordingly is up to the individual.

One might be somewhat ill, however the show must go on.

I remember one such occasion.  I'd sit offstage and rest.  Then as time drew near, I'd wind up the springs and go forth.

Can you see the parallels to other activity I'm driving at?

Remember the show must go on.


Wagon Wheels said...

A spurt is a drip under pressure.

Mike H said...

It's hard to accomplish or notice walking through a pot of soup.