Friday, June 29, 2018


The strength of the vampire might have been no one believing in him, but not so for commies.  They are busting out like angry carbuncles on a diseased posterior.

Sure there is denial, partly real and greatly collectivist lying such as the infamous claim they don't want to ban guns.  Communism has been metastacizing and has never stopped.  It is chameleonlike yet preaches the same old rhetoric.

Remember there are useful idiots, true believers, string pullers and those in the shadows.  Thus, there are plenty of new recruits to the cause.  Naïve kids who do the street work.  And the crusty ones in masks who threaten and attack.  All the while the string pullers sit back watching.

One of the recent word/term thefts is 'civil war'.  There is indeed a disparity on all levels.  The collectivists are upping the ante toward intense bullying and more violence.

Originally civil war was spoken of as a corrupt government which becomes tyrannical and the people, attacked must restore the Republic.  That is being done by the President etal while doing some watching themselves.

Now the commies are claiming in true Alinskyan style, that Liberty is wrong and the course the country has gone toward collectivism and one world gov, is in danger.  Well yeah, dangerous enslavement is being dismantled in favor of the Constitutional Republic.  They threaten outright violence to overthrow the Republic and instal by force communism.  Wow! 

We can chalk this up to the desperation the collectivists feel as bit by bit everything they have worked for is thwarted.

Now it remains to be seen how far this will go.  Is it bluster>  An attempt to intimidate to capitulation to avoid violence or is it an actual go for it.

Don't underestimate the enemy.  They have been carefully placed for decades to suborn us.  There are tougher opponents than kids in masks including elements of military and police actually friendly to collectivist aims.

Keep in mind not all are corrupt.  There are many loyal to Freedom as well as vets who are true oathkeepers.

Exposure is essential and waking up as many folks as possible as well.

We must not back down nor apologize.

Resolution and cold courage are called for.  No provocation. No Fort Sumters.

Tough times ahead but the Light of Liberty marks the way.

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