Wednesday, November 28, 2018


It's a relative term.

Paraphrasing Scripture, 'What if a man gains the whole world but loses his soul'.  Sounds drastic and is.  It happens.  Greed wins instead of balance and wisdom for wielding power.

Weight gain can be good or bad.  To the over indulgent, it's destructive.  To the starving, it can be new health.

For those who have lost people, there is no exact replacement.  But there is love.  It never dies and grows, with others coming into a life. 

Things sometimes can be replaced.  A new beginning beckons to start again.  For the irreplaceable, there is memory.

If memories fade, there is hope for a cure or at least that others won't desert you.

Learning from mistakes.  Applying experience.  At least leaving a bit of light, love, good for others.

Financial sacrifice for a better dividend, a better Republic.  Profit and loss.  Give and take.  Cause and effect.

Responsibility.  Moral turpitude or decency.  Taking on that which destroys in order to build.

In these turbulent times such business is not catch phrase, it is action.

Destiny awaits.  Nothing to lose.  Everything to gain.

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