Titles. Thought of the works as in everything put into projects, though it's also the name of a local 'gym'. Maybe workings as in guts or a well oiled machine. Ok, it is what it is. I'm just talking about work.
It's said that more people are entering trades and eschewing college. Practical labor is what makes America work. Who builds the roads, houses, fixes the pipes and wires? Tradespeople.
I'm not suggesting everyone takes up a trade. It's important to appreciate what people do. Don't take them for granted.
I would say that responsibility for oneself would entail learning a few simple skills such as boiling water/simple cooking and changing a tire. The more you depend on others, the less you can trust yourself.
We've had a lot of remodeling in the area the last year. It's great to see the transformation from some places wrecked to a home again. Others are simply improved.
There has been concern mostly raised by collectivists, that such improvements displace the poor. There are efforts to help low income folks to join in the improvements. Many rent and some are transient for various reasons best addressed in another post.
The main thing here is the wonderful craftsmanship we've witnessed. Using modern techniques and materials, we are seeing a true restoration from the ground up.
Several crews have worked long hours and the handiness is phenomenal.
They are mostly young to middle aged men who have decided they want to do this kind of work. They have apprenticed, worked several years to achieve a skill level which is dependable and first class. They get in and get the job done well.
This is America.
I'm not knocking all college work. But it has increasingly become pointless and the schools have become collectivist brainwashing centers.
I myself attended university with a clinical psychology major. My intention was to counsel. I've done some things but fund my expression in the fine arts. Of that, I gained experience in theater much like an apprentice.
Also, I learned to housepaint and general construction at that time. I am a more rounded person as a result.
Of course there are people who are not quality workers. There are thieves who take the money and run. Take care where you learn and who you hire.
As for round here, these guys are excellent, honorable, skilled and fair.
The man who lived next door was skilled himself and did much improvement. I think he would be pleased with this next generation of craftspeople.
Life can have many roads and they can each be fulfilling. Choose wisely.
ultimate revenge
2 years ago